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Diana of Themyscira/Wonder Woman

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DC Year One Ideas [31 Jan 2014|10:45pm]
Game would be exploring the origins of the heroes of the DC Universe. No teams have formed yet. Most heroes are either just starting out, or maybe have been for awhile. Gives players a chance to do their own plots, and combine elements of mainstream DCU/New 52/maybe some animated and/or movierverse stuff, or completely new takes on characters, but sticking to the true nature of the characters. Players would get to explore new relationships and directions with their characters, or find new ways to develop old ones. A great way to play characters starting out on their own as heroes (or villains). Character limit of five - three heroes, one support, and one villain. Or two support or two villains. Players should try and be diverse and try and put space out where characters would end up. I would really love to see people playing support and villain types in addition to heroes, as not enough people really play these types, and tend to focus more on the heroes.

What I might do:

Diana - Would be my central character. Would have her just be starting out as Wonder Woman, having coming to Man's World after bringing Steve Trevor back from Paradise Island, after he crash-landed onto the beach. Diana would be the ambassador from Paradise Island to Man's World, and would be exploring their customs and cultures, and trying to adjust to life there.

Barbara Gordon - I would really love to do Babs at the start of her Batgirl career. I'd love to see her going out on her own, like she did in the comics, and then eventually start working with Batman and Robin more fulltime, though it would also depend on whoever played Bruce, and what they were doing with him. I'm not sure if I'd want to touch on the Killing Joke, but that wouldn't be for a loooong time. I'd mostly want to just explore her coming into her own and see her interactions with other Gothamites.

Zatanna Zatara - Zee would be a stage magician, who gets roped into heroics after her father dies. I would love to have had John's death be the cause of some foul play, in which he sacrificed himself to safe Zatanna, and she investigates. As I'd probably have Diana as my JLA'er, if we formed that, I would probably leave Zee as an independent or put her on Shadowpact style team.

Lois Lane - Would be my support type. Lois would be a big reporter at the Daily Planet, and well on her way to becoming one of the top names in journalism. I would like to have her start investigating these new heroes that are popping up (i.e: Superman), and getting herself into trouble going after her big stories. I'd really love to explore the Lois/Clark relationship, but it wouldn't have to be right away. I would love for them to start as friends, maybe both see other people, and then it possibly develop into a relationship over time.

Sandra Woosan - Would be my villain. I would love to have Shiva start out as an assassin for hire type, occasionally taking contracts for the League of Assassins, or the highest bidder. Shiva also works well as a support type, as in canon, she would occasionally work with the Bats or Arrows if she saw something that interested her. I would love to play out her own relationships with types like Richard Dragon and Bronze Tiger, and have her interact with others. As a villain, she wouldn't be super active, but she would work in plots from time to time.

Some other things to consider: I'd love this game to run at a slower, but active pace. People can run plots anytime they'd like, and focus on social things, as well. I'd also have to determine if I'd want it on Scribbld, or put it over on IJ or DW if I did end up doing it, as Scribbld does not currently allow for account creation. And as it is, this is just brain storming ideas.
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