Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Matt
AIM (if you have one):
Character Name: Eric Phillips
Character LJ (if applicable):
Physical description (face, build, weight): Blond hair and Blue Eyes. 6' 2" and 190lbs.
Age: 18
Birthday: March 7th
PB: (If using one.) Chris Hemsworth
Abilities: Eric's powers come from his unique genetic make up as a Human-Kree hybrid with a heavily modified genetic structure. As such Eric is considered a mutate. It is also suspected that his powers have not get reached their true limits.
Super-Strength- Eric is capable of lifting over 70 tons
Super-Speed- Eric is capable of moving at almost Mach-3 speed while in flight
Super-Stamina- Eric is capable of exerting himself at almost maximum effort for almost 20 hours
Super-Durability- Eric is imperious to most forms of damage and can take an tremendous amount of damage without injury. Bullet just bounce off him and more powerful convention weapons such as rockets and bombs are only a little bit more effective. If he actually does get hurt however Eric heals extremely quickly though no where near Wolverine levels
Super-Agility- Eric has agility to compliment his super-speed making him more agile than the finest human athletes and can evade bullet fire.
Flight- Eric is capable of highly agile self propelled flight with some Aeriel combat training from his mom.
Photonic Blasts- Eric is capable of creating extremely powerful energy blasts with force equal to full force repulsor blasts.
Energy Absorption- Eric is capable of absorbing massive amounts of a wide variety of energies including some types of magic. He can use this energy to make any of his other powers stronger.
Minor Molecular Control- Eric can transform his clothes to suit his needs usually going from regular clothes to his hero costume.
Shield Brat Training- Eric has basic shield training in various areas including fighting.
Weaknesses and flaws: Eric's energy absorption ability is capable of being overloaded with explosive results for him.
While it would take some time Eric's durability is also capable of being overwhelmed by continuous and repeated blows of great strength.
Eric is capable of being out fought though that usually is only a worry for him if the are close to his power level.
Eric is capable of running out of energy to use for his powers though this does not happen often.
Eric is also incapable of going Binary or anything like that currently since he does not process the link to an energy source powerful enough to do that.
Character location/Home: Currently New York with his mom
Alignment (villain, hero etc): Good
Relatives (living/dead?): Carol Danvers- Mother, Shield Agent- Father, Chester Phillips- Grandfather
Backstory: Carol met and fell in love with a Shield Agent she was working with and after they got married they had Eric. However their marriage had difficulties and they ended up getting divorced while Eric was young but have managed to stay on good terms with each other for the sake of their son. Eric's power first showed when he was very young at low levels that have been increasing ever since. Eric grew up as a shield brat.
When Eric started to display an interest in being a hero his mom tried to swash the idea. But ultimately with a little convincing from his dad and knowing how she would have reacting in a similar situation decided to allow him but with a little supervision. Eric wanted to use the name Captain Awesome but his mom gave that idea a very strong no and suggested Warbird, one of her older names, which he took.
How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: Doing what he likes to do best, be a hero and beat up bad guys.
What are you planning to do with this character?: Maybe having him join Champions.
What do you want to see happen with this character?: Develop as a hero and as a person. Maybe some Kree stuff down the road.
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