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wannabelantern ([info]wannabelantern) wrote,
@ 2010-06-07 13:51:00

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Invention Time! With Scott and Dinah
Scott had heard word from Henry about Goldstar being out on the town. One thought popped to his head.

Must run distractionary tactics for Dinah. Like that time Aqualad went on a date with Wonder Girl, and I asked Sora to take me flying to the Lantern Land Amusement Parks.

Oh Lantern Land. How sad to know it'd be another 430 years before you'd even be built.

Still, one thing was sure. So Scott flew down by Dinah to get her to take them back to Western Time in the Bug and got her in the lab. Two smoothies, some blaring AC/DC and a wall of tools built up from 21st century tech.

"So, Miss Kord, how about we make that Beetle Baton?"

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2010-06-07 09:00 pm UTC (link)
Dinah was quite grateful for the break from things. She'd called Riley, but Uncle Booster had informed her he was on a date. So when Scott had some around, she'd jumped at the chance to get out of the house.

Because Scott was cool and a friend. Not because she was at all remotely affected by the idea of Riley on a date. At all. Nope.

She smiled. "I like the way you think," she said. "Let's do it."

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2010-06-07 09:05 pm UTC (link)
The music quickly changes to the Peter Gunn theme, as the playlist is on shuffle and Scott grabs some schematic discs, and pops them into a disc drive.

"So, what should this thing do? I'm thinking we make it like a utility knife made of pure Liefieldium. Wait... that compound won't be discovered for two hundred years... A utility knife on steroids I mean." Four different schamatics appear on the workbench, which is truly a screen. "It's touch screen. Any changes you like?

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2010-06-07 09:13 pm UTC (link)
Okay, now future tech? Was pretty awesome. She might have to start hanging out with Scott more.

She peered over and looked at the schematics, weighing the design of each in her head. She true expertise was code and software, but she was also her father's daughter and knew her way around this stuff too.

"Let's see..." She moved a few small pieces around in one of the designs, replacing a couple of bits and making some small circuit changes. "Safer power-flow that way, I think, but otherwise, looks pretty good."

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2010-06-07 09:28 pm UTC (link)
Scott looks at that. "Hold up... that's the same power cell I've been using in my suit... Scooter! Record these changes and get to work on coupling 5, please!"

"Right away, sir!" Scooter can be heard from the back, and he flies up with smoothies. "I have Handy getting the suit ready sir. Your smoothies are ready." A dark pink slush is seen in the cups.

Scott looks at the baton layout and nods to Scooter, then looks to Dinah. "Let's see here... Okay, one thing I gotta mention. We HAVE to put an deuterium fluoride laser in it."

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2010-06-07 09:39 pm UTC (link)
Dinah grinned. "I've picked up a thing or two from working on Skeets from time to time," she explained.

She nodded. "Definitely. Good energy output versus the cost, good functionality, good design all around."

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2010-06-07 09:44 pm UTC (link)
Scott's having fun at this. "Hrm... lemme see... Okay, magnetic lock tumbler. Deuterium fluoride laser. What else? Maybe a little light at the end? Make it like the sonic screwdriver? Blue, to match Tennant's, as opposed to Smith's. Maybe also make it a back up disorientation strobe, in case someone gets the Beetle Gun from you?"

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2010-06-07 09:54 pm UTC (link)
Dinah's eyes dance with glee. "Sonic Screwdriver? ...Okay, we just crossed over into epic win territory here. But yeah, that'd be good," she agreed.

"Hmm... some kind of true-sonic/vibration pulse? A "buzz-beam", if you will?"

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2010-06-07 10:11 pm UTC (link)
Scott starts to snicker. "I'm sorry. Sonic pulse would be fine, but let's avoid using anything 'vibration' based with a baton, shall we? Hey, what if we reinforced the casing so you could bludgeon with it?"

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2010-06-07 10:22 pm UTC (link)
Dinah almost instantly went the same shade of red as her hair and her jaw dropped down and worked itself a few times, but no words came out.

"...okay, yeah. Avoiding that. Definitely avoiding that. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but.... yeah. No. Avoiding that now."

She was babbling. "Reinforcement's good," she finally agreed.

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2010-06-07 10:29 pm UTC (link)
"Oh, nothing wrong with it at all, just bad PR. And you don't need bad PR." Scott runs off and grabs his soldering iron and his leather apron.

"So, polycarbonate/titanium alloy chain? Or classic pure titanium? Oh, I know what we'd need! Compiled superpoly strand threader! Makes mini rope cuffs stronger than steel with as much or as little give as we'd need! Scooter, run the numbers for us! We're making a multipurpose tool!"

Scott grins. "Rope. Amazing that even by the 26th, you always want rope. Good for tying down boxes, binding up enemies or partners, swinging across chasms, hogtying bulls. So much fun."

"So, we'd want two formulas, minimal give and medium give, for multiple purposes, yes?" Scott's excited. Expect rambling to commence.

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2010-06-07 10:47 pm UTC (link)
"Probably an alloy. Maybe not quite as tough overall, but it'll give it a little more give when it has to and won't weigh as much," Dinah decided, nodding her approval for the rest of the idea.

"Those should work. Might want to come up with something for a quick dissolving solution, just in case."

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2010-06-07 10:49 pm UTC (link)
Scott nods. "First we make the rope solution, then we make the solvent. And keep the solvent on the belt, separate. No chance for cross contamination. Now, classic blue, or do we go gray with a blue light? And I think the sound should emulate... Scooter! Run avoid file of Scarab beetle's wings and off it's hissing!"

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2010-06-07 11:11 pm UTC (link)
"First we make the rope solution, then we make the solvent... then we get the power, then we get the boytoys!" Dinah giggled.

"Let's do gray with a blue light."

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2010-06-07 11:30 pm UTC (link)
"Ooh, boytoys you say? I'm lead to believe the fairer gender could be gained with it as well... That's it, I'm making a net shooter for me now." Scott starts typing numbers on the keyboard on the screen then swipes his hand to the left, flying everything off screen. "Chemical analysis... okay, let's start running numbers for the casing before I get the Reds to work on it... and while we're at it, I'll get to work on the pulse blasts. You want to program the strobe variables into the light? I have another Desktop. Next to the chalkboard."

Scott pulls out two rolling computer chairs to sit on from the next room and places one by the Desk, and places another next to him. A desk on rollers is right next to the chalkboard.

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2010-06-07 11:47 pm UTC (link)
Dinah plopped herself down in one of the chairs.

"Can do," she bubbled.

This was... nice. Really nice, truthfully. Riley was and would always be her best friend (and just that! Just that!) but he was... well, he was Riley. Sometimes, she needed a friend to geek out with.

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2010-06-07 11:55 pm UTC (link)
Scott was having a great time too. Scooter was great fun, and he liked dropping by the Brownstone unannounced to say hi to Wendi or Mickey or Alex, and the Lanterns were all fun. Especially Henry. But nothing beats going all tech and inventing, and it was great to have someone to do it with who was... well... more than a hoverboard with an attitude.

Scott grinned. "Hey, while the data compiles, are there any films you want to see? I finally started making enough from the Shop to get Netflix and the streaming thing is nice. A lot of classic films out. Well, I guess they are relatively new now..." Scott's still typing away as he runs all the pulse simulations.

"Ew... have to lower the power, we don't want to liquefy bone. Or do we... No. Definitely not."

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2010-06-08 12:31 am UTC (link)
"Oooh! Avatar!" Dinah said. "Really cool sci-fi film from last year," added.

She made a face. "...Eeew. That would be messy."

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2010-06-08 12:34 am UTC (link)
"How's the strobe simulations coming? And Avatar could be fun. I was more fond of District 9 myself." Scott tries a few buttons and rang them, and suddenly he heard a ding.

"Well, I think the materials will begin starting soon. And the Reds are going... nnnnn....now!" A small sound can be heard coming from the island in the center of the lab. "I love my nanites."

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2010-06-08 12:41 am UTC (link)
"Going good," Dinah said. "District 9 was the smarter film... but Avatar was the better popcorn flick."

She gave him a curious look. "Do you and your nanites need a little alone time?"

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2010-06-08 12:51 am UTC (link)
"Sir learned long ago that's a bad idea, Miss."

Scooter drifts by and refills the smoothie cups. "At least he hasn't emulated that Iron Man film with the Handy units yet..."

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2010-06-08 01:03 am UTC (link)
"...That was way more information than I needed, thanks, Scooter."

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2010-06-08 01:09 am UTC (link)
"Scooter, stop enacting Heuristics 1-1-3."

Scooter giggles. "I should have explained better. And not left open the double meanings. Sir spilled the first batch of red-type nanites down his pants during a late night of fixing the cold ray. Thankfully, they only ate a bit of his skin."

"It still hurt for two days... Stupid nanite rash..." Scott turns red and gets back to work on the pulses.

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2010-06-08 01:33 am UTC (link)
"Oooouch," Dinah said, wincing in sympathy. "I mean, I've electrocuted myself a few times, but... ouch."

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2010-06-08 02:56 am UTC (link)
Scott pulls off his gove and shows how scarred up his hand really is. "I've elctrocuted myself too many times. Putty gloves cover it up nice. Scooter was about half of these. My family attracts electricity, I'd guess."

Scott yells. "Finally! Got the sonic pulse to just disorient and loosen the joints. The power range is now between minimal to non-lethal warfare. Lowest setting can eliminate dandruff apparently..."

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2010-06-08 03:09 am UTC (link)
Dinah winced briefly at the scarring. "Yowch," she said, in sympathy.

She let out a cheer. "WHOOO-HOOOO! GO TEAM INVENTION!"

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2010-06-08 03:17 am UTC (link)
"And with that, the code compiles! I'll get the stream of the movie ready. Scooter, how about some popcorn and those little cold things..."

"Ice cream bon-bons, sir?"

"Yeah, those! Protocol HYAU-29!" Scott laughs and opens a blue door in the lab. He pulls out the remote and starts pointing it around.

"Movie'll be all ready in five, we'll just leave the Reds to make the components. Don't touch them without the red gloves on, please! That goes for you too Scooter! I don't want to have to rebuild hoverboards or fingers."

Under his breath he utters a small "again".

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2010-06-08 04:13 pm UTC (link)
"No-touchy," Dinah said. "Gotcha. Need my fingers to type."

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2010-06-08 05:01 pm UTC (link)
The movie was good, and seeing it brand new was a new thing for Scott. Most of the files had been slightly corrupted during the great crash of 2208. The front row of recliners (okay it was only three rows, three seats to a row, and the last row was a loveseat) was used up by Dinah on the left, Scott on the right and Scooter in the middle, holding the popcorn. A robotic arm, the aforementioned Handy, was in the second row holding the bon bons, and the arms held the sodas and smoothies.

"Well, I have to say, you were right. I think we finished the popcorn with that. Never done that before." Scott laughs. It was nice having friends over. He had to be sure to invite over Alex or Henry or Mickey sometime. Or Hourgirl perhaps.

Man, barely a month and a half in this time and he already had a nice friends list. Not bad.

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2010-06-08 05:12 pm UTC (link)
"Told you," Dinah said. "Though it does make you wonder if there's really a planet out there with aliens that look like that."

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2010-06-08 05:21 pm UTC (link)
"There are Thanagarians, Durlans, Daxamites and Krytonians, to name a few. I can't see why not. I think Henry'd be the man to ask about it." Scott ponders for a minute.

"Though why would an entire ecosystem be bioluminescent?"

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2010-06-08 05:26 pm UTC (link)
Dinah shrugged. "Nature obeys the Rule of Cool?"

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2010-06-08 05:31 pm UTC (link)
"No it doesn- Wait... Kryptonians. Alien beasts that shoot lightning from their faces. Platypuses. Er... Platypi... Platypeople? Platypi. It totally does. Nature obeys Rule of Cool, and all of humanity is Chekhov's Gun."

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2010-06-08 05:45 pm UTC (link)
"Completely," Dinah agreed. "How else do you explain the metagene?"

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2010-06-09 12:23 am UTC (link)
"No clue." Scott sighs a bit. "Or why I don't have one..."

Scott just kinda lets that drop. "Thanks for the lift back in the Bug. Even by my tech standards, it's an awesome ship. I mean, cars are fun and all to see, but the Bug... I'm jealous."

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2010-06-09 12:27 am UTC (link)
Dinah smiled. "No prob. Besides, according to Dad, it counts as all my birthday and Christmas presents for the rest of my life. ...He's probably joking."

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2010-06-09 12:46 am UTC (link)
"Well, from him anyway. You could probably squeeze a few out of the other Titans." Scott chuckles.

"You know... I've been trying to figure something out. If I'd want to try to join the YJLA or the Titans. Do I count as 17 or -480 something for that?" Scott looks to Dinah with a bit of a grin.

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2010-06-09 12:53 am UTC (link)
That got a laugh out of her.

"Better for with seventeen. Otherway 'round, you might have to the join the Pre-Teen Titans or something."

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2010-06-09 01:51 am UTC (link)
"Nice. So how about when you guys get a slow day, you call me and I Shriek Tube my way nearby? Maybe meet the other Titans?" Scott looks at Dinah expectantly. "At least just to meet, introduce myself like I did some of the JSA."

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2010-06-09 02:03 am UTC (link)
"Sounds good to me," Dinah replied. "I think you'd like 'em."

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2010-06-09 03:06 am UTC (link)
"I hope so," Scott says as he look at his hands. "Impulse is on your team, isn't she?"

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2010-06-09 03:09 am UTC (link)
"Hmm? Yeah, she's cool."

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