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wannabelantern ([info]wannabelantern) wrote,
@ 2010-03-30 23:05:00

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Scott West Test Post: Keystone
Scott West looked around.

"So... Keystone City... Any info on our home away from home, Scooter?" Scott looked over at the little hovering disk shaped drone.

"Of course, sir. This is the home of the Flash, Walter West. Your ancestor via a Miss Iris West. Also has a few villains, including a team called the Rogues." The disk's visor blinked it's two red optical sensors, then looked at Scott.

"Yes, Scooter... I think this may be a grand place to make my entrance... Heh, think how ticked the Rogues would get to know their legacies result in me copying their tech? Gold Sentinel, Hero of the 26th Century!"

"Very original, sir..." The little hovering robot just looks at Scott.

"Hush, you." Scott activated his jet boots and began to hover, floating along the sidewalk with his robot, looking around. "So, think anything fun will happen soon?"

"Only time will tell, sir. And with a broken chronoporter, we'll just have to wait.

"Fair enough, Scooter."

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2010-03-31 04:41 pm UTC (link)
Iris was speeding home from school when she noticed a guy in jet boots hovering over the sidewalk.... and a robot.

A robot?!

Iris stopped in front of the guy. Which, to him, it would seem as if she just popped out of nowhere.

"Is that a robot?"

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2010-03-31 04:57 pm UTC (link)
"Nope, damn dinner plate just up and gained sentience on me. Cosmic radiation will do that to you."

"Sir, I don't think she'd appreciate the sarcasm." Scott nods.

"Yes, sorry about that. Growing up how I did, you learn how to banter before you say 'mama' and 'dada.' Now..." Scott grins. "If you think the jet boots are impressive, wait til you see the cold cannon... plus a few other tricks I picked up..."

Scott bows with a flourish. "Gold Sentinel, Hero of the 26th Century at your service!"

"And his trusty sidekick Scooter!" The little robot adds.

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2010-03-31 05:01 pm UTC (link)
Iris blinked. "I don't get it."

Wait....he had MORE cool stuff?! She just HAD to see this!

"Nice to meet you!' Iris said, beaming. She extended a hand.

"I'm Iris West."

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2010-03-31 05:21 pm UTC (link)
Scott hiccups. "I'm sorry. Did you say West? As in the daughter of Wally West?"

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2010-03-31 05:29 pm UTC (link)
"Yeah. That's my dad. Do you know him or something?"

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2010-03-31 05:46 pm UTC (link)
Scott thinks to himself.

Here I am. In the 21st century. I'm talking to one of my progenitors. And I just hit on her.

WWHJD? What would Hal Jordan do?

"Scooter, ready protocols GC57 and SLS2050."

"Sir, are you sure you want to ready THAT protocol?"

"Just in case, Scooter. Just in case." Scott smiles at Iris. "See, come my time, you're a household name! A legend! Of course, I stick around the Flash Museum a lot growing up..."

Scott smile at Iris. "So, know any way a new hero can get his bearings around here?"

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2010-03-31 11:54 pm UTC (link)
Actually, him hitting on went COMPLETELY over Iris's head, so he doesn't have much to worry about there.

"In your time? You mean..." a lightbulb went off in Iris's head, "You're from the FUTURE?! That is so COOL!"

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2010-04-01 01:24 am UTC (link)
Scott's grin gets a little wider. "Why yes. Yes I am. I am Gold Sentinel, hero of the 26th Century! Part of a super team... the Strikers! The two Green Lanterns of the 26th Century, the Flash of the 26th Century, and myself! Called so because we showed that lightning could strike four times in Keystone and that we strike down justice faster than lightning!"

Scooter looks at Scott, who's eyes get a little wider when the robot looks at him.

"Yes indeed, Miss Iris! Gold Sentinel is from Keystone in the 26th century, as are the two Green Lanterns and the Flash. He is the youngest of the family, yet by not doubt the most intelligent!"

"Scooter, you flatter me too much! Now then, Iris... what do you say to a little demonstration of my abilities?" With that, Scott shoots off his Centerfuge ray from his right hand behind his back, using Scooter's optics to grab a rose off of a bush ornamenting a store. It reaches his hand, and flips off the thorns with his thumb, thanking his foresight to include some protective qualities to his suit. He hands the rose to Iris with a flourish-

only to realize he was supposed to use the GLIDER beam, not the CENTERFUGE beam, which made quick work of the petals. Which were now scattered over the sidewalk. He tossed the rose to the side.

"Wrong button. So, what do you say?"

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2010-04-01 03:27 am UTC (link)
Iris was nearly bouncing up and down. He was from the FUTURE! This was so COOL!.

"It's okay! I'd LOVE to see more!"

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2010-04-01 04:11 am UTC (link)
Scott flies up in the air.
"But of course! Behold, the power of a snowglobe!"
A blast of cold ray to make the ice, a blast of concussion air to shatter it into flakes, and a centerfuge beam to spin it.
Snow for two minutes in Keystone City, over the street, with not a cloud in the sky.
"Not the most impressive thing, but I like it!"
Scooter just hovers near Iris, watching.

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