Sunday, July 13th, 2008

oh goodness.... I'll admit it.  I think I'm drunk right now....or really really tipsy.  Yes I have had 3 shots of tequila.  I'm kind of dizy, and laughy.  It's fun and stuff.

p.s.  I'm obviously stupid.  I just turned on music so I could truthfully put something in the music section. 

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Friday, July 11th, 2008

what the fuck am I doing up at 7 in the morning......

Yeah, for real.  Why the hell am I still up at 7 in the morning when I clearly don't have to be up.  I could have slept in today.  Cunt.  Oh well, I guess I did tell her to wake me up, and that's okay.  So yesterday was the last day of mini-camp.  It was very hot, and I got burnt like toast.  Piss.  I had sunscreen on all day too.  Oh well, I got rid of some of my lines, and the ones I got from the past two days aren't that bad.  I've been trying to get into this whole sunscreen era.  It's kind of hard for me to understand that I can still get tan when I wear sunscreen.  But I wore spf 15 on my face all day, and spf 30 on my upper arms, shoulders, chest, and back.  I never put anything on my legs.  It's pointless.  I don't have huge lines from my sunglasses, which makes me super happy.  

Speaking of super happy....  We learned 20 sets of drill, which is pretty good.  The band can march and play 15 of them, which is really good.  This means that we are going to have most, if not all of our show done by the end of band camp.  Now I don't really know how this is going to play out for the guard.  I know we are supposed to be getting some work next week...but next week is optional.  So maybe the next next week.  We have practice Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday.  We're picking up another day, which kind of sucks, but I know we need it.  We're going to have tough competition this year, especially since a lot of our good instrumentalists graduated.  We are left with like 70 (probably less) people, and our sound is going to suffer from that.  My drill is super easy except one set, which is good.  Plus that one set isn't that bad.  It's like 4 steps.  Oh!  We start the show on weapon!  Hell yeah!  I hope the work is challenging, and fucking cute as hell.

So on Thursdays I always take my dads check in and put it in his account.  Well I stopped by the mailbox, got the check, and I saw my dad coming so I stopped and talked to him.  He told me that the fluid in my grandmas lungs wasn't a cause of the cancer she has, no, it's a whole new cancer.  He was so upset, as he was driving away, he was crying.  I felt so bad for him.  So on my way to town, imagine you just found out your grandma has 2 cancers instead of one, and you just got home from mini-camp, which means your wore out, your tired.  Basically, not in a good mood.  So I was driving driving, and right before McDonalds, there is a stop light, and I was already stopping, but this girl like slammed on her brakes, and we bumped.  Thankfully it was just a little one, like a nudge, if I may.  But yeah, it did nothing to her truck, and it did nothing to my jeep.  Which is good because I only have PLPD, which means it's automatically my fault, which I'm taking the blame anyways, yeah it is my fault, I was driving too close to her, and I've been told to stop doing that by my mom and dad.  Shitty.  Anyways, but she called her husband, and he told her to call the police, because that's what you're supposed to do.  I wait like 5 million years for that cop to get here, and he checks everything out, and was like okay well you cant file a report unless you do more that $1,000.00 of damage, and bia, there was none so ha.  But we exchanged info and I went along.  After this I still needed to get his check in before 5 o'clock.  I missed my turn not once...but twice.  I was 5 minutes late.  They had just closed.  I was pissed.  So while nothing is wrong, it was still really embarrassing.  I know I looked like shit, because I hadn't changed from the day, and I was sweaty and I smelled gross, and I'm sure I looked gross.

Today I am going to see my grandma.  I don't really know when I will be leaving, but I know for sure, later in the afternoon.  I'm driving down to Tipton, and from there my dad is driving to Indy.  Usually I just wait until she gets back home to see her, but I feel like I haven't seen her in so long, and with this new cancer, I think she could use the company.  I kind of nervous about the drive, because I don't really know where I'm going.  I know it's all highway, but when it comes to the turn off and stuff, I'm so unsure.  If I get fucking lost, I'm fucked.  Oh well. it's worth it.

So yeah, I think I might go running with Hope today.  Not too far because I don't think fatty can run too far anywhere.  But I think it would be a good idea to start getting in shape, and not just to look good, but it will make my life easier.  Like maybe I can build up some stamina and not totally die at band camp.  I could actually run to my set with out dying.  Plus I do want to look good lol.  I was to get into real shape, because I'm planning on trying out for Glassmen.  You have to be so good, so I'm trying to get better at everything.

Well, I think that is enough for now dont you? 

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Saturday, July 5th, 2008

lahbay lahbay lahbay.

Alright so I hope you all had a wonderful 4th of July.  I know I certainly did.  At first we had Tony, Suz, Rich, Missy, Alyssa, Richard, and Lexy over.  We lit of some bottle rockets and fire crackers.  We decided we needed more, so me, alyssa, richard, and Keaton all pilled into my jeep and went to Ulerys.  We bought lots of those little fireworks that you dont have to be over 18 to buy.  That was fun, so we lit some of those.  Then we ate, then we got in the pool and had an exciting game of volleyball.  As usual, the girls won. ^_^  Then we had to go to the fireworks help in Walton.  So we went there, and they were pretty good.  We came back home and lit of more fireworks, but the ones my dad bought, like the big ground displays.  That was pretty fun.  This is definately one of my favorite holidays.  I was so mad though, I will be 18 in September, so I was kind of mad that I couldn't buy other stuff we wanted.  Oh well, next year will be kick ass.

So I've decided that I am going to quarter-finals with TJ, Nick(TJ's brother), Alyssa, and Hope.  Other people are debatable.  We aren't really sure.  But I'm so excited.  I also decided that when this November comes along I am going to be trying out for Glassmen drum corps.  I don't know how I will get the money if I actually make it, but I'm sure I can think of some way.  I'm also quite sure I'm not going to make it anyways.  You have to be super fucking good to make it into a division I corps.  Well, I guess it's World class now, but it's like the same thing.

I was thinking about how this is my senior year and how this will be my last year of high school guard.  And I thought that I would want to just get right into school and stuff, but I really don't want to stop going guard.  I know I could always join a winter guard, but if you're wanting to do drum corps, you age out.  After like 20 or 21, you can't do it anymore.  If you're older and try to do winterguard you have to be damn good.  I just want to do them once, if I can get a second or third year, then hell yeah.  I just want that sort of close-ness you can get from being on a team you know?  I've always said that I would make sure to keep in touch with everyone from high school, but as I've talked to other people, I realise it's nearly impossible.  And to think about this is really sobering.  People you've been around for 12 or 13 years of your life, it's hard to get my mind around not being about see them again.  Going off to college and getting busy and stuff.  I just think about what it will be like not having my bff's around when I graduate.  Brandon is going south, and I know Hope is going to BSU.  Eden is going to stay in Logan, and go to Ivy tech, and I'm going to do the same, but if I do drum corps, then we won't even be in the same classes.  *sigh*

Well, I better get to bed, I have people coming over tomorrow.  It's going to suck.  My dads friends are coming over, and I don't know any of their kids, so it's going to be akward and stuff.  So yeah, I'm hoping either Alyssa, Eden, or Hope can come over.  My mom was like well, you probably shouldn't have someone over, and I was like okay, I don't care.  I'm going to have a shitty day tomorrow because I'm around people I don't know.  I'm having a friend over, and we're going to have fun damn it!  Anyways...about that bed, I should go, they're going to be here at like early for me.

<3 megan

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fun party stuff.

woohoo! )
woohoo! )
woohoo! )
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Wednesday, June 25th, 2008

Fucking HUGE!!!

 Alright 2 posts in one day.  I'm on a roll.  So I've been thinking about senior projects for fucking ever.  I've had so many ideas including but not limited to:
Swim suit design
Battle of the Bands/Charity thing
Fashion line
Graphic design
Interior design
Remodeling my room or bathroom.

But I think I have finally found an idea that excites me to no end, and I can afford.  This project is a t-shirt line.  This line will be promoting peace.  Peace of all kinds.  Peace with the world, peace with other people, peace with yourself, just peace in general.  Truthfully, it is ridiculous that there is so much hate in this world.  I was also thinking about extending this to all major issues.  I was going to take special orders.  Like whatever color shirt you want with a certain color of paint.  I was going to stencil everything.  I know this is going to take forever, but it's worth it if people will listen.  I was also thinking of contacting 17 magazine and Cosmo Girl, because they are really big on peace with yourself, like loving yourself and the body you were born with.  I think that is really important because you were born with it, and you can't really change it.  Don't be ashamed of it, it's yours and only yours, for a reason.  Everyone is perfect in their own way.  I was thinking about doing minor reconstruction of the shirt to make it a little cuter, like not so t-shirty.  I don't know about that though.  My mentor will be my grandma, so that will be good.  I was also thinking that I've said "I've been thinking" way too damn much.  Oh well.  I'm going to say it like 5 more times.  Anyways, I was going to sell them and the profit I got I was going to keep enough to keep making the shirts and buying the supplies, but donate the rest to the Peace Corps. or something like that.  Or maybe make a scholarship.  I have no idea.  But I've got the foundation...and that's important.  I'm so excited.  I'm pretty sure the board will approve.  My angle will be how being stressed and unhappy affects your health or something like that.

To those of you who don't really understand senior projects, they are the single most important thing you have to do when you are a senior.  You do it, or fail.  End of story.  It takes you all year, and you don't really do much else your senior year.  It's huge.

So lately I've been contemplating things.  I can't believe I'm a senior already...  I don't feel mature enough, I don't feel old enough.  I don't want to grow up yet...I'm just not ready.  I'll be 18 in September.  That's insane!  I'm not mature enough to be an adult!  Anyone who knows me will agree.

Have you ever been thinking about past relationships and thought "I would really like to try that again..."  I've been thinking that lately.  I've just realized how truly immature I was.  I know a million ways to handle things that used to just ignore.  I still realize that all of the variables are the same.  There is still 350 miles between us.  His mom still hates me I bet.  His friends think I'm a huge bitch because of the immature way I handled things.  I was talking to Wade the other night and I was like... Fuck, I miss talking to  him.  I told him that too.  I was like, I hope that's not weird to say.  But yeah, I just realized in that moment how much we've grown up and apart...but back again.  We're still the same people.  I can still open up to him like a fucking book, in a way I could never open up to anyone else.  It's just so fucking weird.  I hate that I'm still not over him.  I want to be over him, and I want to be with other people.  But when you make future plans, you have things set up just the way you want them set, and those dreams of a perfect future are hard to erase.  In the back of my mind I can see up ending up together because we really are perfect together.  I bet anyone a million dollars that we would still be together if we went to same school.  That sucks, and I hate it.

The only thing that still has my mind boggled is why I still haven't had a real boyfriend.  I think it's weird that online I have all of these boys saying I'm so hot, beautiful, and if I lived near them they would date me in a second...  But here in fucking Indiana, the place that actually matters, no one likes me.  That sucks... a lot.  I just don't understand.  I wish I could just get a real answer on this.  I would really like to know.

*sigh*  Anyways, I think I am done for now.  I think I've done good today.  I also think I've said "I think" 5 more time like I said.  ha.

<3 megan

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Friday, June 20th, 2008

Coming home

So my grandma is coming home today (Friday).  I'm pretty happy about that.  She will be on oxygen though, but it's better for her.  Not being about the breath properly must really really suck.  I mean, I know what that feels like.  Ever since I was little I've always gotten this thing called croup.  I was born with a really small throat and stuff, so every time I think about getting sick my throat swells up.  Especially when it goes from hot to cold or vice verse quickly, but mainly from hot to cold.  I hate not being able the breath, I almost died from it when I was 2.  So yeah, hopefully, after all of this, she feels better.  

Today I had guard.  That was fun, as always.  My sisters birthday party is this weekend, which means there is going to be 28 screaming 3rd graders at my house....yay. I was going to make my sister a dress for her birthday, but I never got around to getting the black fabric I needed, so maybe I can fuck around with some old shirts I have.... or maybe I pillow case, because she's still little.

I got my jeep back!  Finally, after like...9 months.  It was smelly and dirty, so I swept it out, and tried to get all the dust off of the insides.  Then I washed the outside, but I realised it was really dirty so I said fuck it.  Maybe I will take it and get it washed at a car wash place.  The inside needs to be like...shampooed, because the air conditioner was leaking before I wrecked it, and the carpet it all gross.  My dad said that he's going to order me seat covers.  Thank goodness, because the seats are atrocious.  

Anyway, I better get to bed.  Good night everyone!  
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Tuesday, June 17th, 2008

If you could have the power to fly, be invisible, or teleport anywhere, which would you choose?

If I could choose only one it would be teleport.  Flying would be cool, and obviously so would being invisible, but if I could teleport then I could go anywhere I wanted in a matter of seconds.  I love to travel, and I love seeing new places.  It would be like a dream come true.

My summe is sooo boring.  I don't think I've ever had a summer so boring.  I watched the whole second flag video last night.  There are some challenging things on there.  I'm excited about it though.  I can't wait until I get to the weapon videos.  Those will be very fun.  Speaking of those videos, I was looking up stuff about guard, and my band instructor paid $400 for the 4 videos and workbooks.  Not to mention how much he is paying this Marc guy to write our show.  I had no idea they would be so expensive.  the sectional this week went very very well.  The same people showed up as last week, but I think from now on we are going to have a phone tree thingy.  Where I call someone and then they call the next person on the list, and so on.  That way everyone remembers and they can't use the "I forgot" excuse.  If they are actually talking to someone, then they are more likely to give a reason.  That's all I want.  A call and a reason.  But no one calls and tells me they won't be there.  Bitches.  lol.  

Well anyway, I finally got all of the lj entries on here.  That only took forever and a day.  For real.

I don't think I posted this yet but I finally got my jeep back.  I'm so glad to have my own vehicle.  I can't even begin to explain my frustration at having to be late for various reasons that I couldn't control.  I hated it, but now I have no reason lol.

At last, I must go, I have a sister who is craving attention.

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Friday, June 6th, 2008

If you knew it was your last day on earth, how would you spend the time?

If you knew it was your last day on earth, how would you spend the time?

If I knew that today was my last day I really don't know how I would spend my time.  There are obvious things I would want to do, you know, like travel, little things that no one notices until its gone.  Like have the best milk shake in the world.  Things that aren't really realistic to do in one day.  I would want to be around my family and friends.  I wouldn't want it to be a sad day.  I would want it to be hella fun, something that everyone else could remember and be like, hey that was a good fucking day, I wish every day were like that, and I certainly hope my last day is like that.  I would get that crazy hair cut I have always been to nervous to get.  I would try things with out hesitation because I know that whether or not I could get hurt, fuck, its my last day anyways.  But yeah, I would just want it to be fun.  Because I love fun. ^_^

So I guess the video isn't that bad.  The first section was, but the rest is pretty good.  I've been learning some new things.  Yeah I've taken notes too.  Fuck this is summer, what the hell?  Anyways, yeah.  So I'm just hangin'.  Tomorrow night is Kayleighs party.  Kayleigh is my cousin, and it's her big graduation party.  I'm kind of nervous to go, because I will be going by myself, and I like to be around people I know, because I'm really bad with meeting new people.  I don't know.  Like I said...anxious, nervous...

This summer kind of sucks so far.  You know how you build things up to be so much, but then you get there and you're like fuck this is kind of boring...  That's my description of summer right now.

I've realised that I've been cursing entirely too much lately.  That sucks.  Whatever, I don't really give a fuck.  Oh there I go again.  I'm not going to try to stop.  I like it. 
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Thursday, May 8th, 2008

How many pair of shoes do you have? Out of those pairs, how many do you wear more than a few times a

How many pair of shoes do you have? Out of those pairs, how many do you wear more than a few times a year? 

I have sooo many pairs of shoes.  I wear most of them...  There are a few that are gross and I refuse to wear.  Things I should get rid of...oh well.

Tonight was guard try-outs.  That was fun.  Tomorrow is the Panther Stake out.  Which means the oh so anticipated lip syncing contest is tomorrow.  We're doing paradise city.  It will be cute.  

Ugh.  I'm excited to be a senior, but nervous and sad.  Like I want to be a senior, but I don't want high school to end.

I've been thinking about getting a job.  Maybe at the drive-in theater.  It's at night and on weekend only so it will go well with my week day schedule which is watching my brother and sister.  ew.  But oh well. 
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Friday, April 11th, 2008

What was the last great epiphany you had?

What was the last great epiphany you had?

The last great epiphany I had was about life.  I suppose they usually are.  I just realised that I could be trying so much harder in everything I do.  I was lying in bed and I thought to myself..."I want to practice...I want to get better"  but then I realised that even though I want to, I don't.  I also thought about college.  Next year is my senior year.  The last year because I have to be independent.  How frightening.  I have to go to college and get a job.  I've never had a job before!  I don't like talking to people I don't know, and talking infront of classes practically makes my hyperventalate.  It's ridiculous, I know, maybe I'm making it seem more than what it is, but I live in a house with 4 other people, 3 cats and a dog.  I'm not used to being by myself.  My family is always homem, like, I've never had to be alone.  Yeah so...that was my epiphany...and a major part of life that's causing me stress right now.

Moving on.  Today wasn't too bad.  I have to take my ACT's tomorrow, and I have to be there before 8 am.  ew.  I didn't even study for it.  Ugh, I need to start caring more, because I'm going to fail.  obvi.  Sunday I'm going to get my dress fixed.  My grandma is pretty awesome with her sewing skills.  

In may I have to give a 5 minute speech about the Bush vs. Gore election, and I have to have a tri-fold.  I fucking hate talking in front of classes.  It's so shitty, and I'm going to suck so much.  

So Mr. Pallada said Whitney Stone will not be our instructor.  He's thinking about asking Brayton to still write our work.  That's all.  He just wants him to write, and then be done with the season.  Then he will hire someone to be our full time instructor and clean and stuff.  He's thinking about Nick Bledso.  I haven't written about him on here yet, but I've wrote about him on my old journal on GJ.  He wasn't very good with technique, and I kid you not, hes the gayest little man I've ever seen, hes funny though.  I kinda hope it is...  I dunno, I really just hope Brayton comes back.  No one else wants him back.  I would love nothing more than to have him teach me.  Because I want to be good enough to be in his independent winterguard Usurpation.  

Anyways I better go to be because I have to be up so so so early! 
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