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wanderlust ([info]wanderlust) wrote,
@ 2008-05-08 21:54:00

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Entry tags:other, writers block

How many pair of shoes do you have? Out of those pairs, how many do you wear more than a few times a
How many pair of shoes do you have? Out of those pairs, how many do you wear more than a few times a year? 

I have sooo many pairs of shoes.  I wear most of them...  There are a few that are gross and I refuse to wear.  Things I should get rid of...oh well.

Tonight was guard try-outs.  That was fun.  Tomorrow is the Panther Stake out.  Which means the oh so anticipated lip syncing contest is tomorrow.  We're doing paradise city.  It will be cute.  

Ugh.  I'm excited to be a senior, but nervous and sad.  Like I want to be a senior, but I don't want high school to end.

I've been thinking about getting a job.  Maybe at the drive-in theater.  It's at night and on weekend only so it will go well with my week day schedule which is watching my brother and sister.  ew.  But oh well. 

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2008-06-26 04:26 am UTC (link)
you take work that you've done in school and upload it online to a portfolio sort of thing. like, your teacher will choose certain assignments for your portfolio. at the end of the year you have to do a tour to a group of teachers of your best work. you've also got to write about yourself a lot and reflect on everything. really gay.

i think she is sticking around, but she plans on getting pregnant and married by like december.

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2008-06-26 05:59 am UTC (link)
Oh yeah, that sounds boring!!! Sorry you have to endure that.

Yeah I hope things go well for your friend.

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2008-06-26 06:00 am UTC (link)
This isnt really anon... Im just not signed in...oops!

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2012-12-25 11:14 pm UTC (link)
bCWnPb ihflxyyjqmag (http://ihflxyyjqmag.com/), [url=http://cweiojpwbcad.com/]cweiojpwbcad[/url], [link=http://mmyeluqamfpa.com/]mmyeluqamfpa[/link], http://uszbepaaaskv.com/

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2013-11-13 01:59 pm UTC (link)
BpyiD0 pooqvqepscov (http://pooqvqepscov.com/), [url=http://nuujmkwmajxj.com/]nuujmkwmajxj[/url], [link=http://xsuktbllkoje.com/]xsuktbllkoje[/link], http://jxapvvjbrxsg.com/

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2008-06-26 05:52 pm UTC (link)
yeah, she's really really nice though. she's the friend i go to for alternative advice, like advice that's different from what everyone else would give me.

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