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writers block [25 Jul 2008|12:26am]

Do you have a remarkable phobia? Does your phobia have a large impact on your life? 

I would say I have a lot of little fears...but only one real phobia.  This phobia is called glossophobia, the fear of public speaking.  It's a type of social phobia or Social Anxiety Disorder.  Physical symptoms often accompanying social anxiety disorder include excessive blushing, sweating (hyperhidrosis), trembling, palpitations, nausea, and stammering. Panic attacks may also occur under intense fear and discomfort.  I would say that yes, this had largely impacted my life in a lot of ways.  I've always been shy, but speaking infront of people is horrible.  I have all of those symptoms when I have to speak.  I think it's a good and bad thing to make public speaking mandatory.  Good because it forces you to speak, so maybe you might get over it.  Bad because they grade you on something that barely anyone is good at.  Sure make me speak, but don't grade me on something that is almost physically impossible for me.  One thing I'm not happy about is that I have to do a lot of public speaking for my senior project.  Ugh I just hate it.  When I had to do my U.S. History speech, I was nervous all day, I didn't eat lunch, and I had a sick feeling all day.  It was horrible...really.  

I'm trying to over come this fear by trying out for the spring musical.  Every single part has a solo, but I really want to do it.  I was first thinking the bakers wife, but I think I'm getting too ambitious.  So I'm thinking maybe Lucinda or Florinda.  I'm trying to research the other female characters (Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, Jacks mom, and cinderellas step-mom), but there is nothing about these anywhere on the internet.  I just want to know specifically line count, how big the solo is stuff like that.  I don't mind much about range, because I can sing anything.  I just don't want something big, I don't want to choke on opening night.

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