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omg [31 May 2008|02:24am]
 Alright so it's 2:24 am.  Yeah, really fucking late.  I'm on cool edit pro and I'm making a song demo that I should have started two weeks ago.  Oh well.  I did it all tonight.  I'm going to have this rough draft ready before I go to dance.  Hopefully they like it.  I hope I get a little sleep.  Ugh.  I'm like in a trance right now.  

School is finally out, and I'm a senior!!!  I'm so happy.  I was really tired of school this year.  I think its something inside me that keeps repeating "One more year of this bullshit"  Yeah one more fucking year.  How amazing.  God I'm so excited for all my classes and stuff.  

Anyways, I really should get back.  I'm on my last song piece.


[edit 6-25-08] I'm so gald I didn't end up trying really hard on that. [/edit]
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fuck [31 May 2008|11:12am]
Ugh so I'm pretty pissed right now.  I just found out that I stayed up until 3:45 last night for nothing.  If you read my last post you will know that I was making a song.  Well I didn't save right (I'm obviously not at my brightest at 3:30 am).  So now all the shit I had to do last night is gone, and I have to start over.  Yeah.  So pissed.  I did some stuff you know where you only think of it when you're super tired and you're like fuck I don't know what I'm doing.  Well anyways, it sounded pretty dank last night, and now it's fucking gone.  ugh. hate. 
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Let's say you're a hobgoblin for 24 hours. What sort of havoc would you wreak? [31 May 2008|10:47pm]
Let's say you're a hobgoblin for 24 hours. What sort of havoc would you wreak? 

what in the fucking hell is a hobgoblin?  

[edit]  In the event of finding out what a hobgoblin was, I decided to revise my answer....  There is no way I would ever be a hobgoblin....ever...  [/edit] 
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