Last day of summer...
Alright so today is my last day of summer break. Tomorrow I go back to school as a senior. I was recently reminded that the first day back to school is the most important day of the whole year. It's a day of first impressions, and the day that people can look at you in a different light. They can see how you've changed over the summer. The boy or girl you thought would never get cute, suddenly might have. This day holds so much promise in it. It could be the best day ever, or the worst.
Something else I was also recently told was to say what you need to say. Holding everything inside of you is extremely bad for you. It stresses you out, something you don't need at the start of a new year. I was encouraged to talk to those that I'm not on the best of terms with and just apologize, and try to mend these friendships. They are something that I should be cherishing because after this year, I won't ever get that again. I won't be seeing them every day, and we will all be going our seperate ways. It's a hard thing to think about, the fact that you have been going to school with a group of people for 13 years of you life. 13 years that some say were the best days of their life. 13 years with these people and after graduation, you will never talk to some of these people again. This is a really sad thing to me.
Lately I have been thinking about my future. My grades, my work ethic, my motivation, but most of all, how much I depend on my friends to back me up and be there for me. As a libra, it is in my nature, my character to be very indecisive. I don't like to go and do things alone because I am very shy around new people. When I go try out for drum corps. I'm going to be a nervous wreck. It's going to practically kill me to drive all the way to Ohio by myself. It's going to kill me to spend two whole days around people I had no idea even existed. I've posted about it before, but I don't like akward social situations. This is an akward social situation to me. Ugh. But this experience is going to be a big step towards my main goal this year. Taking the intiative to actually go and have fun, will take a lot of confidence on my part.
I've also been thinking about guard, and how I want this year to go. I know that I've always joked about trying really hard. I know it would be very difficult for us to win state, but for fucks sake, I would at least like to get there. I've made a promise to myself that I'm going to start trying harder. I'm going to make myself a better guard member, and a better team mate.
This year my classes are:
1. Band
2. Bio 2
3. Study Hall
4. English Lit.
5. Orientation to Careers
6. U.S. Government
7. Weights
I didn't have to take weight, I just switched so I didn't have to take art. I originally took art because I thought it would be fun. I though, you know, I can draw, I'm decent. But then I realised, it is a class, and I don't want to be graded on what some teacher thinks is my potential. Now I believe that weights is sort of a "blessing" to have. I've been wanting to tone my body for drum corps. Really strengthen my body. I want more than anything to be that total package they are looking for.
II guess I hadn't realised that I've typed that much... I'm sort of proud of myself. Anyways, I have more laundry to do, and my brother wants me to play Zelda with him. So I shall go.
p.s. I really can't wait to get to my senior project. Not the crazy shit I have to do, but the actual making the shirts... That's going to be so fun.
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