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wanderlust ([info]wanderlust) wrote,
@ 2008-07-13 16:53:00

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Current location:Milky Way Galaxy
Current mood: drunk
Current music:sweet and low by Augustana
Entry tags:other

oh goodness....

Alright...so I'll admit it.  I think I'm drunk right now....or really really tipsy.  Yes I have had 3 shots of tequila.  I'm kind of dizy, and laughy.  It's fun and stuff.

p.s.  I'm obviously stupid.  I just turned on music so I could truthfully put something in the music section. 

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2008-07-15 02:43 am UTC (link)
lol yeah I've heard that too, but I didn't think it was that bad... I think if I would have had more I wouldn't have been much worse. I wasn't slurring...

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2008-07-15 03:37 am UTC (link)
for my mom it doesn't take much to slur. she can't lie to us about when she's been drinking. she could only have had one drink and we already know. she's wicked lightweight so imagine her going on her binges for days. it's epic i say.

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