Current location: | earth |
Current mood: | Calm...also known as lazy |
Current music: | none because I'm too lazy to turn it on |
Entry tags: | joke |
So I was logging in today and checking my friends page and a post pops up and it looks like I posted it. It said exactly this:
I admit to it! I, <lj user="lovenotanger"> am a sick puppy!!
Hi everyone! I just posted this in my personal journal but then I thought some of the people here might like it too, so here you go! Hope you enjoy! Feel free to comment.
I finally masturbated for the first time in a while... I haven't been doing it lately and I don't know why, just stressed out I guess. It was nice and I was acutally kind of shocked by the filth that went through my head. I'd almost forgotten how dreadful my fantasies tend to be.
This is going to contain some pretty extreme objectification and humiliation fantasy stuff. Some of the stuff is offensive, politically incorrect, or extremely degrading. I don't do all these things in real life, they are just thoughts I have that turn me on for some reason. I could speculate about why that is, but the truth is simple that they DO turn me on and I don't really know why.
(ohh freaky!) <---That in case you didn't realise is an lj-cut, but you couldn't open the cut.
I was kind of worried at first, but then I realise someone posted it, then I got a little more worried. I was like, who would post this about me? Actually I kind of new it wasn't a mean post, but I was like, me out of all the people.... But then I read it was genorator. Truthfully, I think it's hillarious. I am so glad its not some crazy person trying to ruin my "lj life"
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