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wanderlust ([info]wanderlust) wrote,
@ 2008-06-28 23:13:00

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Entry tags:guard

DCI was Ballin'
So I have to say that DCI was so fucking awesome. We got there like 30 minutes late though. We missed two corps. and we got our tickets for $5 instead of $20. Which was awesome...except our seats were shitty. They were horrible, but it was still fun. It made me want to play the guard game so much. I was like bitch I want my show right now. Being a performer myself I find it hard to actually sit and enjoy a show. It's so compulsive to be like oh hey they werent together...oh they dropped that! It's almost a nuissance. But everything there is like fifty times better than anything any band in Indiana could ever do. It's seriously amazing. I'm pretty sure that I am going to DCI finals. If I can't I'm going to cry sooo much. The tickets are $125 which sucks, by my mom is paying for the gas so I'm okay with that. I told my mom that I could pay for the ticket but I can't do both, and she was like oh I'll pay for the ticket and you pay for gas, and I was like...okay! The ticket is $125! And then she was like oh...I'll pay for the gas. It was pretty funny.

Today we had a car wash, that was fun-ish. I'm so ridiculously tired right now though. So I'm going to bed.

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2008-06-30 04:41 am UTC (link)
Yeah yeah, um what is something you like to do a lot.

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2008-06-30 04:52 am UTC (link)

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2008-06-30 05:04 am UTC (link)
okay well they dont have wind instrument in drum corps. but check out the difference here.

1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLhq3GdXGRk

2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOwr3PtEZ9I&feature=related

It's super hard to explain if you're not really into this sort of thing. The only real way to show you the difference would be to take you to a show.

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