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wadcock ([info]wadcock) wrote,
@ 2012-01-02 22:40:00

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I must say, 1983 is starting out fabulously. I'm in such a good mood, I'll even admit Spinnet threw a pretty decent party.

Falmouth already feels more like home than Montrose. All that's left is actually moving south.

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2012-01-03 06:00 am UTC (link)
Are you drunk still?

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2012-01-03 02:43 pm UTC (link)
There is the distinct possibility, but I'm going to go with no.

In other news I think I've found a place to live.

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2012-01-03 11:02 pm UTC (link)
I kind of am.

Oh? Where?

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2012-01-04 01:32 am UTC (link)
I'm impressed.

'Round about Swanpool. Which is about the lamest name ever, but it was the only decent place secluded enough where neighbors won't ask stupid questions.

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2012-01-04 02:02 am UTC (link)
I'm impressed with myself.

The best kind of neighbors are the ones that don't exist.

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