wadcock - July 26th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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July 26th, 2009

[Jul. 26th, 2009|12:54 am]
Well, it's going to get out eventually and I figure it be better to  put it  out there myself before the rags got a hold of it and twisted around into something its not.

I have kid daughter, she's one, and I've just found out about her.  And no, I didn't cheat on my wife, she was conceived before I even met Sav, so don't go saying nasty things like that.  But yes, I won't deny that I knocked up some fan at United party somewhere along the way.  But then again, I'm not the only one who did that now am I?  Apparently the mother thinks I'm better suited to be a parent than she is, so now I'm a dad and she's disappeared, go figure.

Get what ever you want to say out of your system now, because I won't tolerate it for long.

Oh and if you dare say anything about or to my wife, I will personally come show you exactly why I'm a  professional beater.

Magpies )
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