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I broke my laugh box

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Paul will be home soon. Had to go to his parents' to get his $$$ cuz he's out of cigarettes. His excuse that he gave his mom was that he needed to refill his meds. Which is true, but the main reason for him wanting his money today as opposed to tomorrow was so he could have a cigarette...I had set aside (without him knowing) 3 cigarettes. Gave him one on Saturday and one this morning, thinking that I might get lucky. Yeah, no.

When he gets home, I have to put on a different shirt. I'm wearing my blue bra with the polka dots and a WHITE shirt. Hello, looking like a white trash skank!! lol. Normally, I wouldn't care, but it's REALLY obvious. But yeah, we have to go get another gallon of milk. (I finished it because I ate almost the entire pan of brownies. Paul had 2. I scraped the bottom for crumbs. I needed comfort food so leave me alone belly fat!!) Prolly stopping at WallyMart for TP and dish soap, too.

Talked to Buzz for 40 minutes today. Apparently, Paul makes it sound like he busts his ass doing shit around here. *breaks laugh box from cackling too loud* I'm sorry, but that's just too damn funny. I can't stop laughing. When Paul is the one on the computer for 10 hours, average. Some days he's on anywhere between 12 and 15. Yeah, Paul, you're really pulling your load.

Talked to Ally for about an hour. She wanted to know what Sierra needed for her birthday. I had to have her call me back because me and Paul were fighting. He wanted to use the phone to call his dad for NO REASON other than to just call him. I ended up screaming my head off at him dropping the F bomb left and right and almost in tears apologized to Ally that she had to witness it. She's all like, it's okay. Relationships are hard. I said, Yeah, moreso when only one person is trying.

I'm such a sob story. *sarcastically cuts wrist* That was this morning. I talked for her for about an hour not too long ago. I had called her back.

Buzz wants to hang out tonight. Making it sound like he actually gives two fucks about me. Which maybe, deep down, he does. But I'm not going. Unless I get too pissed off at Paul.

Blah. I'm getting crampy fingers. I'll try to get on tomorrow before we go to his parents' but we'll see.

He's home, anyway. *flips him off through the window* He didn't see it. Damn. I feel like fighting. *tries to laugh diabolically but laugh box just sputters*

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