So, I've talked to Madam Puddifoot, and she's allowed the prefects at Hogwarts to take over the Valentine's Owls this year. Instead of sending orders and gifts to Puddifoot's, send them to me at Hogwarts and the prefects will sort them out for everyone! We'll be taking orders for Puddifoot's and that tasty cake business, Feast Your Eyes! They're doing the work for only part of the funds, so we can continue our donations to the War Orphan fund.
So... everyone send your owls, orders and requests! I'll be sorting through and hexing everything private, so don't worry about them getting seen by the prefects or anything, we've got only the best students around. The wonderful bakers, George at Puddifoot's and Rosalind at Feast, will be helping us out and yay!
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