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User:vitiated (30251)
I am so much older than I can take
i need direction to perfection
Name:Sasuke Uchiha
People19:biteme, devilswalknstik, feelgoodmods, gigabugbyte, greatwhitesmile, kiss_and_sell, last_to_know, legwarmersplz, longshowers, lost_but_found, makemefeelgood, makingabang, notyourfantasy, omfgraeg, phase3, speedy_recovery, stillwaters, tosharesunshine, vitiated
Communities3:feelgoodinc, feelthis, itai
Friend of:38: apostle, arghnostopthat, bigsigh, biteme, candystripes, chinpo, devilswalknstik, doublehelix, drown_in_blue, feelgoodmods, fragileternity_, gigabugbyte, gogglesplz, greatwhitesmile, houseofdaggers, icanseeyerboobs, inhumanresource, kiss_and_sell, konan, last_to_know, legendarytits, legwarmersplz, longshowers, lost_but_found, makemefeelgood, makingabang, notyourfantasy, o_bit_o, omfgraeg, phase3, pullinstrings, scarecrow_honor, speedy_recovery, stillwaters, temari, tosharesunshine, unmotivated, vitiated
Member of:3: feelgoodinc, feelthis, itai
Account type:Early Free User
Date created:2009-06-18 18:21:20
Date updated:2010-09-01 14:30:11, 758 weeks ago
Clients used:Web: 2.0.0
Journal entries:19
Comments:Posted: 6,335 - Received: 4,811
Posting Access:3: feelgoodinc, feelthis, itai

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