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[Apr. 26th, 2011|08:03 pm]

if you fall then i will too
RESOURCES: Wikipedia, Bulfinch's Mythology
CURRENT NAME: Mallory Woodward
AGE & BIRTHDAY: December 4th, 1980; Age 21
RESIDENCE: Dormitory (Illinios Art Institute, Chicago campus)
OCCUPATION: College student

TALENT(S): As far as the mundane goes, Mallory has only two talents she would actually list as such. She was raised on a farm, which also held horse riding practices, and learned how to ride from an early age. Growing up she has participated in several competitions and she still rides when she has the opportunity.

Mallory is attending college for the visual arts. Namely photography. She has a good array of still film equipment and has a good photographer's eye.

The one talent that has truly stood out as strange, and comes as a direct result of Eurydice, is her archery skill. From the first time Mallory ever picked up a bow, she seemed to know exactly what to do with it. After a few visits to the range, she showed skill that no beginner could match. Clearly she was just a natural.

PLAYED BY: Katharine McPhee
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Despite being what most would consider a “country girl”, Mallory looks no different than another other trendy girl her age. She fills out into a healthy 5’8 frame and is simply built well; she is not overweight, but doesn’t land in the common category of overly-skinny. She wears comfortable clothing but always remains feminine, and restrains from wearing articles that are too revealing. While she isn't fashion obsessed, she does tend to follow the general trends, or at least make her clothing selections from what looks good from stores that are pushing the latest fashions.

She is a pretty girl, and without much care with makeup or fancy accessories and hairstyles, she is also pretty plain. Mallory does not stand out as an exceptional beauty and there is very little about her that would catch someone's eye in a crowd. She has brown hair, brown eyes, tanned skin, and no defining marks of any kind.

Having never been exposed to the trials (and terrors) of public school at an early age, Mallory has remained delightfully down-to-earth and easy-going. Conflict is looked down on by her and she will often take up the part of peacemaker, sometimes to the dismay of those involved, in order to resolve a situation quickly to dismiss said conflict. She is a bit of a true college party girl, as many turn out to be, even though she does often prefer hanging out in smaller groups that just kick back and hang out.

Mallory's most significant trait is that she is creative, although her overactive imagination often gets the best of her - particularly when she finds herself bored in class and it ends up affecting her grade. She expresses herself through her main career choice of photography, and seeks to gain a relaxed job that puts her skills to good use - she does not care much for routine, and as such, a typical 9-5 job would not hold her attention for long. Many of her romantic relationships are fleeting and non-committed, as many relationships tend to fall into a dull repetition as her interest may be lost as it feels to turn into a scripted romance.

She has a severe case of Ophidiophobia, or fear of snakes. Mallory has no issue with any other sort of reptile. Her parents believe her fear to be unfounded but it still remains. She will often become hysterical if felt too threatened by a nearby serpent or is unable to get away, but often she will simply put a large distance between herself and it.

Eurydice was one of the Dryads - and one of the few who had accompanied the goddess Artemis on her hunts on occasion. She lived her whole youth in the woods, innocent and free. It was a surprise that a young minstrel came upon her and soon the two would rarely be seen apart - Orpheus, son of Apollo and Calliope, had won the Nymph with very little effort.

But their romance, and their marriage, was tragically short-lived. Aristaeus, having recently come to the Vale of Tempe where she dwelt, also came to gaze upon the beautiful Nymph. He sought to chase her, have her as his own, and in her flight away from the minor god she was bitten by a snake.

Heartbroken over the death of his wife, Orpheus eventually came to the Underworld to beg its King and Queen to release his love. His songs won the rulers over and he was allowed to take Eurydice back to the surface with him on one simple condition: He was to lead her, and never turn around to see her until they reached the realm of the living.

But he looked back. Eurydice was swept back to the world of the dead to reside in the Elysian Fields. She was not happy despite being allowed to dwell in the most pleasant part of the Underworld; her sorrow had overcome her so much that even living in the afterlife was almost too much to bear. She had gone so far as to contemplate trying to convince her Keeper to permit her to drink from the river Styx so that she may forget herself. However, by the time she had been driven to that desperate measure - the rule of the Olympians was falling apart.

Her sorrow was mixed with fear as the Underworld shifted and changed around her as the faith in the Pantheon and many of their other deities failed. Soon - panic set in once Hades had been thrust out of his own realm. Eurydice, along with the other souls residing in the Underworld, found herself being thrown back into the mortal coil.

Eurydice lived life after life, all over the world. Some times she regained some of her own memories and other lives she kept on living without remembering any of her original life. There was one thing that remained the same no matter who she was: Eurydice was constantly searching for something.

In 1980, yet another life for Eurydice began. She was born as the only child to a mother and father who had been married for only a short time, and ran a farm in a nice area of Vermont. She grew up admiring the foliage in October, the chill autumns and winters, and learning how to manage a farm of cattle, produce, and even how to make maple syrup. She was home schooled from an early age by her mother, spending the rest of her days helping her parents out or learning how to ride horses from a woman at the next farm up the road who offered riding lessons.

In the summer of 2007, her parents were forced to sell their farm (and the small business selling fresh crops as well as riding lessons with their horses) and relocate due to the demand for the nearby city to expand. Her parents had decided to move out west, however, Mallory didn’t much care for the idea of moving to a new place with parents whose relationship seemed to have diminished with the loss of their precious farm.

Mallory had been attending a local Vermont college for a years while working at home on the farm. It was a late start, but she was needed at home. Instead of following her parents to their new home, she chose to move somewhere different; the country girl needed a change. She transferred to the Illinois Institute of Art for her sophomore year, where she intended to continue to study photography and other creative mediums.


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