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Vicious_Cycle ([info]vicious_cycle) wrote,
@ 2013-01-29 10:40:00

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Cheeseburger (or not) in Paradise
Well, this kind of sucked. Least as far as Nick was concerned. They'd tracked the guy to this middle of nowhere beach and took care of business - but his bike got wrecked. Lyta could carry him a little ways, but not back to civilization - so they're stuck for a bit while he fixes his bike, bit by bit. Takes extra time without a shop to do it in.

"Afraid he nuked my supplies too, unless you want some burnt jerky for dinner. The whiskey is toast though."

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2013-02-07 10:05 pm UTC (link)
"If you're road tripping with me, it's at least not a total dive." She smirked. "I do have standards."

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2013-02-07 10:24 pm UTC (link)
"Alright, fair deal. I'm sure we can find something that'll work near even the serious middle of nowheres."

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2013-02-08 12:49 am UTC (link)
"Though as long as there's still sex involved, I'm sure I can settle for a couple of seedy motels."

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2013-02-08 12:54 am UTC (link)
"You know me, gorgeous. There will always be sex involved."

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