Bio: | 
Name: Thomas "Tom" Smith Alter Ego: Vendetta Age: 17 Height: 5'10" Weight: 160 lbs Eyes: Brown Hair: Black Relatives: None known Skills: Vendetta is a talented martial artist, trained in a variety of martial art styles. He is not as talented as his mentor Vengeance, but he has trained under her extensively for four years (one of which was in the field). He is also extremely skilled in stealth and insertion operations, and is exceptionally good with undercover work. He can disguise himself to look anywhere from a mature-looking 14 years old to a baby-faced 30, sometimes with as little effort as changing his stance and walking style. A talented actor, Vendetta uses his abilities entirely for his vigilante work. He is a talented detective, though, again, he is not as skilled as his mentor. He is also trained in a variety of weapons, though he generally does not use them.
Powers: Vendetta has a minor metahuman ability, one which he never thought would be all that useful. If he touches an item, he can alter its colors for as long as he touches it. Through training, he has come to see more useful applications, both altering his clothes as needed for camouflage and altering text on files or even his ID. He has also learned to be able to maintain the color alteration for up to three minutes after he is no longer touching the item. While this power still has limited applications, he has managed to use it to its greatest potential.
History: Four years ago, a thirteen year old boy attempted to pick Vengeance's pocket. This did not go over well, but the vigilante took pity on the youth. Seeing his potential and his genuine caring for other people, she took him under her wing, teaching him a number of skills, and taking him as her legal ward. Upon learning of his metahuman ability, which he considered "useless," she prompted him to see the more useful applications of it, and encouraged him to develop them along with his martial arts, undercover, and stealth skills. She also hired tutors to help him catch up on schooling, since he'd never had any schooling in his life. Thankfully, he was a quick study.
After three years of training, she felt he was ready to enter the field. Taking the name Vendetta, he has served as her partner now for a year, often working as her advance scout or as an undercover operative within her sting operations.
His life before he attempted to pick her pocket is unknown. He doesn't speak of what happened to him or why he had run away from home. It's even unlikely that "Thomas Smith" is his real name, as there are no records of a runaway or missing child his age with that name.
Personality: The ultimate social chameleon, Vendetta fits into any situation with ease. When out of costume, he tends to go along with the group dynamic, fitting whatever role the group needs at that moment. He wears personas like masks, and it's sometimes difficult to tell when one has reached the real man under it all. In costume, he is focused and driven, sometimes to the point of obsession.