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Edward M. Cullen

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[24 Jan 2011|02:46pm]
Name: Edward Masen Cullen
Age: Eternally 17
Fandom: Twilight
Media: Books
Point in Canon: The very beginning of Twilight (and technically Midnight Sun). Right as he leaves for Alaska.
Puncturable: No.

In Character

Name: Edward Anthony Masen Cullen.
Age: He stopped physically aging when he was 17. He was born in 1901, so technically 110 this year.
Date of Birth: June 20th, 1901 and born into his new life in 1918.
Sexuality: Heterosexual at best. Asexual for the most part. He's simply disinterested in that facet of life.
PB: Gaspard Ulliel
Fandom: Twilight (or the Twilight Saga as it's being called now)
Media Books. I don't follow movie canon at all to be honest.
Point in Canon The very beginning.
Puncturable No thank you.

Powers or Abilities
Edward has several goodies at his disposal. There's the least obvious--and often most useful of his powers--he can read minds. In addition, there's super speed and strength. He's disarmingly beautiful, and he's scented to match. He has heightened senses, and a photographic memory. If that weren't all he's also venemous, so there's no chance of losing prey once he's sunk his teeth into them. The only downside to his paranormal cornucopia is that he sparkles in the sun. Not that the sun adds to his pretenatural beauty, but that he literally glitters. It's like party time in a room of prisms when he's around. It makes going outside in the sunshine a bit inconvenient to say the least.
To the humans of Forks, WA, the first word they would probably use to describe Edward CUllen (aside from beautiful, or mysterious), is aloof...maybe even disinterested. He has never inserted himself into the mainstream of their culture, and frankly, even if he tried, he would never really fit. Edward seems old fashioned in comparison to his peers. His manners and morals seem to be from another date and time, because in fact, they are. He is an old soul in more ways than one, and he still values those core beliefs he was instilled with as a child. He believes in respecting others. He strives to be a gentleman, and he truly believes in chivalry.

Those who know Edward can tell you that there's so much more to him. He is KInd, a loving family member, who only wants the best for those he loves. He can be incredibly stubborn if he thinks he's in the right, and sometimes he can even blind himself to issues if he feels he knows what's best. His heart is always in the right place though, and he will usually come around. He is always quick to apologize when he knows he's wrong, and always quick to forgive those who deserve it.

At times Edward's stubborn tendencies can lend themselves to obsession. If he finds an interest in something, he often finds it hard to leave it alone. He isn't easily distracted when his attention it caught. SO far that's only resulted in a music collection that rivals even the most avid collector, and a fierce protectiveness for his family.
A brief history telling us about your character.

Message Board Post First person.
Log Post Third person, three paragraphs.

Out Of Character
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Character Journal: ~vegetarian
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