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Dr. Valini Morse

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Science! [13 Jun 2012|02:02pm]
 "I thought the point of working for a slightly-clandestine international organization was not having to go to science conferences," Valini pointed out on her cell and then sighed. "I don't care if it's only a cover for transporting samples to another site, you've never been to one of these. Alright alright, just  where do we need to go and if you say Newark, I'm going to cry." Oy, she'd need to reschedule some appointments. She decided everything eaten would go on the company tab, they could just deal if it was chic restaurants all the way.
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[05 Jun 2012|05:11pm]
 Valini sighed and rubbed her temples once more as she stood at the Wall, pictures, notes and sub-report about the new staring back at her. They were waiting for her to find the lynchpin that would identify whoever was behind this string of attacks and all she was doing was making circles. She wanted more information to paint a clearer picture, but that would mean waiting for another attack. "I'd almost take a crime wave done with riddles right about now," she sighed and admitted to the Wall.
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[05 Jun 2012|02:26pm]
App for NextGenMarvel )
~black belt in jiu jitsu, enjoys capoeria,
~long time practitioner of yoga;
~Speaks English, Hindi and German.
~Is learning to handle collapsible batons/bo

Weaknesses and flaws:
~Human level of strength, stamina and physicality.
Flaws: Will shrink anyone, at the drop of a hat;
~follows hunches without back up or telling others;
~obsessive focus on her cases;
~her mother's sarcasm

Character location/Home:  Triskelion (or other shield base location)

Alignment (villain, hero etc): SHIELD

Relatives (living/dead?): Barbara Morse (mother, living), Father (Dr. Ankan Nigam, deceased)

Backstory: Barbara Morse met Ankan during the few biochemistry conventions she could observe during her time away from SHIELD. While both felt mutually to each other, neither was willing to get married, her for obvious SHIELD-reasons. The agreement was settled to have a child and Ankan wish to raise the child. Barbara was paranoid and very careful to restrict any ties to the man and the child in case her enemies could come knocking. The story had always been honest but vague, that her mother loved her but couldn't be with little Valini as she grew up. She did, however, keep in contact with letters asking all about the girl's life, and made sure to support the child financially. The girl grew up very intelligent and analytical, applying and accepted to Oxford for her studies. It was during her college years her father passed away and Barbara came back into the young woman's life. The two had many fights during the next years over the issue, understandable resentment over finding out her mother was an American who didn't want to get married or deal with a child (not true, but anger is anger). When Valini discovered her mother's old super-ego, she became fascinated with what her mother had achieved.  She narrowed her studied fields to pyschology, clinical and abnornal and pursued a doctorate in the field, making her a psychologist. Applying to the SHELD
 program, she underwent the training to become an agent, learning to handle a gun and deal with bureaucracy when it couldn't be avoided. She was tested and stationed as a profiler. She and her mother have been communicating and rebuilding connections, easier now that they have something in common to talk about.

How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: Working in SHIELD
 as a profiler (three or so years by now), sometimes brought out to the scene to get a better gist of the target, mostly interrogating and 'doing her shrink thing' with arrested individuals and agents when needed. 

What are you planning to do with this character? Learn a little more about her mother, hunt down baddies with/with out help, helping teams by figuring out the who of a crime or attack.

What do you want to see happen with this character?: Possibly get in deeper than she can handle, coordinate with teams for their aid, acting as mediator, sometimes go to a scene to tease out more clues, and then end up wandering off on a hunch

Sample post:

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