` valesco { a post first war rpg }
29 June 2012 @ 12:04 pm
What?! A Site-Wide PLOT?!  

The idea was spurred by Miss Lettie and the prompts (sounds like a doo wop band from the 50s!) Things have been very quiet since the fall of You-Know-Who, and though the death eaters have skulked away into the shadows, there are others who are still unsatisfied with the state of the wizarding world...

and here. we. go. )
` valesco { a post first war rpg }
07 June 2011 @ 11:40 am
The Match Game!  
Hey guys! So it's summer time and for most of us school is over and things are a bit more relaxed than they have been throughout this hectic year :) With the influx of new muses, the revival of old and the people who have been chugging along without a care in the world I figure you won't mind if I try to throw some plot at you ;D

This is the simplest of plot ideas: romance! I know there are many other ways to start plot, but a boy liking a girl can lead to so many different things (because if that boy's a former death eater he may have some clouds hovering over his head dun dun dunnn) so might as well use up our single (or who knows, maybe not so single ;O) people for some fun.

It's easy, just comment here with your single/not so single character and then if other people have sparks of ideas, they'll comment with them. And no getting offended if the original muse heads toward someone other than your character, no one can control those kind of urges ;)

ALSO, if you have an OTP where one half isn't currently being played, pimp them out here as a reminder to those of us who have no self-control XD

Single Characters!

Missing OTPs!
` valesco { a post first war rpg }
27 July 2010 @ 02:34 pm

Voldemort’s pissed about the new Ministry rulings. What damage can he do before 8 o’clock, hm? He is so mad at me for coming up with those rules, you do not want You-Know-Who pissy at you So, this is his plan.

One major blackout, sweeping through Diagon Alley, Hogsmeade, dense wizarding locations (Godric’s Hollow, etc.), and homes/workplaces of specifically targeted people.

¤ This will occur Friday, August 6th at 5:00pm (for funsies, the Ministry's normal hours go to 5:30? eh eh?)

¤ Death Eaters will concoct stormy weather conditions to darken the skies to make the blackout seem like a natural occurrence before the kidnappings are revealed, and to help shadow their attacks

¤ People taken can be: in-game active characters, past characters your actives had/have plot with, dropped characters of yours, and NPC family members. If you have any other ideas, just share them in the post!

¤ The taken can either be returned, found dead, or missing for an indefinite amount of time.

¤ A news report will go up for panicked family members to make announcements instead of flooding the friends list

¤ Death Eaters can comment here about whether or not they have a specific target in mind. For the most part, if prisoners do not end up dead, they are being individually held captive so to leave many trails for the aurors to follow.

¤ ORDER MEMBERS CAN BE KIDNAPPED, it depends on where they would be at the time of the kidnappings, and how well their locations are warded/the fight they put up

A THREAD WILL BE POSTED! Not all the death eaters can succeed! Panic will strike the streets! WHY DOES ANYONE LEAVE THEIR HOUSES ANYMORE?!?!?!

COMMENT HERE with who you would like to get kidnapped and what you would like to happen to them. If all else fails, we can pull out the Death Rolls to help you decide :O
` valesco { a post first war rpg }
29 March 2010 @ 09:37 pm
Death Eaters Plot!!  
OKAY so! The names of the new Order members have been leaked (by Peter, who is slowly being brain washed---he knows what he has told), and at the MOMENT only Voldemort and Lucius know all of their names. Lucius is his main hombre so you know. That's how they roll.

SOOOOO to help everyone out, I've paired up Order members and DEs for plot. Most of them have a history, but some just worked RPer wise :) AND then there's more plot for the older members under the cut as well.


dun dun dunnnnnnn )

SO post here with thread ideas, and talk talk talk! I really want to see activity and excitement in the countdown to the end :O
` valesco { a post first war rpg }
05 August 2009 @ 08:37 pm
OKAY, so we have a few people that aren't going to be around much starting tomorrow night (when I was going to originally post the threads) through SUNDAY, so we're starting the threads tonight. If you have NOT rolled, do not worry, you can still comment here and a mod will get your characters their numbers right away!

ROLLING IS MANDATORY! Even if you cannot THREAD, you need to roll your characters because there is NO WAY that all of your babies (unless you have only one character and like psssh who does that here---) are out of harms way. I'm amending the earlier post by saying you don't have to THREAD, but you need to roll so you can have your characters react later on.

OKAY! The threads will work like this http://docs.google.com/View?id=dt39nz4_1djqp5kdr

And...have fun! GET MESSY :]