2011 ★ VOSCARS

LET'S GO!The post you've all been waiting for (hardy har har!) It's award season and of course that means it's time for the
SIXTH ANNUAL Voscars! Sixth! Can you believe that??? Insanity! All the Scribbld Voscar posts can be found
here if you want to reminisce!
And SPEAKING OF REMINISCING! This year, the Voscars will be a little different! Instead of nominating threads/characters/plots that only happened since last February (2010 - 2011, 1981-1982), most of the categories will be
CUMULATIVE of Valesco's past! So have fun digging up old threads, and yes, you ARE allowed to post GJ threads in
valesco_history to use, if you have them saved anywhere!
The war is over, but all our memories will live on forever :D
☆ Nominate as many threads as you want unless specified otherwise!
☆ Nominate yourself or your friends or your enemies!
☆ Seconding, thirding, etc. helps narrow down the nominees for a category! Most categories have a maximum of four nominations.
☆ Tags and Memories are your friends!
☆ If you don't feel comfortable with one of your characters/threads being nominated in a certain category, contact one of the mods to have it removed!
☆ Nominations begin tonight. Voting will be set up as soon after.
☆ These are the few categories that are NOT cumulative for this award season:
- Best New Character
- Best Couple (Dating)
(more may be added, but!)
☆ Previous category winners CAN win again this year!
annnd that's it as far as I can tell :) Okay, have fun!!

Dedalus is super excited!!