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` valesco { a post first war rpg } ([info]valesco_mods) wrote,
@ 2010-07-27 14:34:00

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Entry tags:plot


Voldemort’s pissed about the new Ministry rulings. What damage can he do before 8 o’clock, hm? He is so mad at me for coming up with those rules, you do not want You-Know-Who pissy at you So, this is his plan.

One major blackout, sweeping through Diagon Alley, Hogsmeade, dense wizarding locations (Godric’s Hollow, etc.), and homes/workplaces of specifically targeted people.

¤ This will occur Friday, August 6th at 5:00pm (for funsies, the Ministry's normal hours go to 5:30? eh eh?)

¤ Death Eaters will concoct stormy weather conditions to darken the skies to make the blackout seem like a natural occurrence before the kidnappings are revealed, and to help shadow their attacks

¤ People taken can be: in-game active characters, past characters your actives had/have plot with, dropped characters of yours, and NPC family members. If you have any other ideas, just share them in the post!

¤ The taken can either be returned, found dead, or missing for an indefinite amount of time.

¤ A news report will go up for panicked family members to make announcements instead of flooding the friends list

¤ Death Eaters can comment here about whether or not they have a specific target in mind. For the most part, if prisoners do not end up dead, they are being individually held captive so to leave many trails for the aurors to follow.

¤ ORDER MEMBERS CAN BE KIDNAPPED, it depends on where they would be at the time of the kidnappings, and how well their locations are warded/the fight they put up

A THREAD WILL BE POSTED! Not all the death eaters can succeed! Panic will strike the streets! WHY DOES ANYONE LEAVE THEIR HOUSES ANYMORE?!?!?!

COMMENT HERE with who you would like to get kidnapped and what you would like to happen to them. If all else fails, we can pull out the Death Rolls to help you decide :O

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2010-07-27 04:35 pm UTC (link)
Tibs can get snatched and of course he'll be returned at some point because it's canon he lives (not that that's the only reason >>)

Chester and Theo want to play! Unless someother DE wants to snatch tibs i might just write a narrative theo because he's always hated tibs and they have ~history~

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2010-07-27 05:08 pm UTC (link)

I really want Liz to be taken because she is so intertwined with all the Gryffindors and it just makes sennnnse but I don't think for long? I WANT her memory to get wiped in a bad way, so she can't remember like---much of anything really! Maybe they fuck it up so it's the past two years or something? Omg D;

One of Dirk's sisters! Not Moira though ;) Or, well, could be Moira if you want, Alter lmao Could be more than one, but not all return D:


Phoebe?? Attempted kidnapping because she should be with Elphias?

Vinny's sister Gladys! She can't disappear forever though because she writes Lockhart letters in OoTP lmao ♥

lol Adelaide >]

Maybe some of my Order significant others? Except for Miranda because she's having a nervous breakdown rn kthx

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2010-07-29 04:41 am UTC (link)

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2010-07-28 02:42 am UTC (link)
Cool with anyone being taken BD. No particular wants/do not wants, though...

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2010-07-28 09:34 pm UTC (link)

Yes go!
Frank - doing auror stuff. Maybe some des try to "catch/trap" him and Alice?
Rhys - can come from France to play I think
Ralph - can't be kidnapped! anything else is fine
Remus - anything
Mira - anything
Mackenzie - anything
Odette - anything
Adrian - anything

No go!
Christopher - will probably still be... in captivity so he won't be doing stuff LOL
Anneliese - in france... lmao
Glenda - in italy LOL
Caradoc - too awesome to have others gaze upon him, so he'll stay away for their safety

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2010-07-30 07:23 pm UTC (link)
Noah and Adrian should get stuck together XD

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2010-07-31 03:19 pm UTC (link)

I love it

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2010-07-29 04:51 am UTC (link)
Well I had a bunch of things typed out, but then scribbld ate them.


Grayson will be down with Liz, maybe, and Desmond is open for kidnapping. So is Marnie, but I'd like her returned plz.

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