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[Feb. 27th, 2009|09:59 pm]
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Well, Getting more hours at work, that's good. went from 12-16 hours a week to almost 24 (with some sunday hours too, yay!). Still not much considering wht i'm making but eh.

Not sure what's happening with Anime Boston, nobu says they're probably not planning on going and not only that, the hotel is already sold out. I wouldn't doubt we'll try for another con though, we somehow pull things off out of our ass all the time.

Been playing tons of SF4. That's been fun.

WoW is eh. Why the hell do people get their panties in a twist over such stupid shit. All the drama i see in that game is never worth it. Ugh. People are so fucking stupid. I really wonder how [info]mei has the patience to deal with the guild sometimes.

[User Picture]From: [info]urgent
2009-02-28 05:03 am (UTC)


I've been hearing lots of good reviews about SF4. People actually have to nitpick it to find anything really bad about it.

Drama in our WoW guild? Ugh. Makes me glad I decided not play it tonight. D:
[User Picture]From: [info]valcion
2009-02-28 05:08 am (UTC)


it subsided awhile ago but really, i was just making a general statement :P
[User Picture]From: [info]urgent
2009-02-28 05:13 am (UTC)


Gotcha. :P
[User Picture]From: [info]mei
2009-02-28 05:32 am (UTC)


I have no idea how I have the patience to deal with it either...
[User Picture]From: [info]valcion
2009-02-28 06:21 am (UTC)


I think you're willing to deal with anything to make sure the guild functions, even if it means putting up with all this crap :P
[User Picture]From: [info]valcion
2009-02-28 11:01 am (UTC)


but that's just a guess on my part, all i know is that you've got more patience and more strength than I do :P
From: [info]minato
2009-02-28 08:49 pm (UTC)


Glad you're getting more hours!