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Naruto Uzumaki ([info]uzumakistar) wrote,
@ 2009-03-10 15:26:00

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Entry tags:info, ooc

[ooc]; naruto's information.
Player's name/nickname: Laura.
Way to contact you:
E-mail?: boykyuubi@aol.com
AIM?: boy kyuubi

Character's name: Naruto Uzumaki.
Birth date: October 10, 1989
Sexuality of your character? Pansexual.
Character's age? Twenty.
Born in: Manchester, England.
Currently in: Los Angeles, California, USA.

Background: Paired with Minato Namikaze's story.

Naruto was born prematurely to a teenage couple. With his mother dead after her childbirth, Naruto was raised by his single, sixteen-year-old father, Minato Namikaze. To make enough money to survive and pay off the bills and debt he had accumulated, Minato worked long, grueling hours at low-paying jobs, which resulted in Naruto practically being raised by babysitters who were often just as young as Minato himself (they were the cheapest).

Things changed for the better when Minato became involved in pornography, which offered good pay and, because of Minato's talent and contract, steady income. Naruto was able to go to daycare and spend more time with his father as he grew up.

Though it is a little fuzzy for Naruto, there was a time when Orochimaru and his father were involved, and though Naruto called the man "Uncle Oro" (Uncwle Owo, in his baby-talk), Orochimaru's place in the family was much more central than just an uncle, being that Orochimaru was his father's lover for a time. It was a blow to the family unit when Orochimaru left without saying a thing.

As a school-age child, Naruto had little trouble connecting to his peers when they were young enough to play house together simply, not caring if their household had two daddies on Tuesday, or four parents on Wednesday. But as Naruto aged along with his peers, he and they grew further and further apart as their ideologies were formed and shifted. Naruto had acquaintances in school, but didn't bring people home much, and his friends were always changing. Toward the end of primary school, he fell into a developing "alternative" crowd, which became the freaks, goths, druggies, etc. in secondary school.

However, Naruto was always a very independent thinker, so he didn't change the casual way he dressed, nor did he dive into any scene in particular - until he discovered Canal Street. It soothed his feelings of isolation in the very linear, straight world he lived in, and at age fifteen, Naruto set off on the journey to discover his sexuality and place in the world.

At first, it was harmless fun. Naruto kept up his average grades, went out only on weekends, and was as responsible as he'd always been as far as chores went (not exemplary, but after Minato shouting at him once he'd do them). But once he met an older man by the name of Darnell, everything changed.

Darnell was almost fifteen years older than Naruto, and took his virginity. Naruto fell in love fast, and Darnell used Naruto's devotion to his advantage, having Naruto do basically whatever he wanted; the most significant thing he had Naruto do was join an unofficial and illegal group that produced pornography. During that time, Naruto signed a contract (that he thought was legally binding, but because of his underage status, really wasn't) to stay with the group for a year.

From that time on, Naruto's grades plummeted as he ditched school and sneaked out of the house almost every night. Minato and Naruto's relationship took a turn for the worse as Naruto became defiant and disrespectful. Darnell became the most - and really, only - important person in Naruto's life, despite the abuse and manipulation he suffered because of him.

At the age of seventeen, when Naruto was struggling through his Sixth Form (the only reason Naruto remained in school was Minato's strict urgings), Minato pulled him out of his niche and moved them to California, which Naruto thought was exciting. He had long since been dumped by Darnell and worked through his year "contract," leaving him with a myriad of emotional problems, but no real contacts in Manchester, so he hoped the change would improve things in his life.

Upon arriving in America, Naruto was hit with a very different school system that he immediately wanted out of, and so with many fights about him finishing his Senior year, and a big guessing game concerning if he would even pass, Naruto was finally awarded his high school diploma. And with that, Naruto refused to go to college.

Though he hadn't worked in pornography for about a year, Naruto soon found himself back in the business when he entered the States. Being seventeen, he was once again involved in an illegal business, but had his sights set on a company called Nixcore once he turned eighteen. Without much trouble at all, Naruto followed his plans and landed himself a contract at Nixcore after his birthday.

Then Minato found out about his involvement of pornography, even though he had no knowledge of Naruto's work before his eighteenth birthday. To put it lightly, Minato was extremely disappointed and upset with Naruto, but there was nothing he could do, considering Naruto was a legal adult and had signed a contract. Slowly, they moved past that disagreement, and another big blow was delivered.

Naruto was assigned a project that involved twincest. Nothing new. But when he got to the shoot and saw his father staring back at him from the set, everything changed. Naruto was furious at Minato for giving him such a hard time about porn when he was involved as well. They were at odds with each other after that, but Naruto had found out that Minato's contract was almost up, and the talk around the workplace was that the Yondaime (Minato's stage name) was going to retire. That was good news to the young blond.

Of course, things never had gone very well for either of them, so two more disparaging things occurred. Minato renewed his contract in order to keep an eye on Naruto, and Naruto found out Orochimaru (Uncwle Owo, all those years ago), was a director there.

Though things were rocky and volatile in the beginning, Naruto has since calmed down about his position and surroundings. His relationship with Minato got better, and he's kept a wary eye on Minato's interaction with Orochimaru.

Character's personality: Naruto acts much like a twelve year old boy: he has very little maturity most of the time and loves attention. He is loud, obnoxious, opinionated, and not exceptionally smart. When someone tells Naruto to do something he doesn’t want to do, he certainly won’t do it unless he’s made to, and he will put up a huge fuss – especially if he can get away with it or knows he'll get a rise out of someone by doing so. He loves playing practical jokes just to piss people off, because to him, any attention is good attention.

However, Naruto also has very gentle qualities. He loves plants (one of his favorite hobbies is watering plants, in fact) and animals, and when he forms a bond with someone, he is fiercely loyal to them. Naruto develops feelings for people (be it feelings of friendship, respect, adoration, or other) very quickly, and is pretty unconditional and free with his love, even if he can easily act like a jerk to everyone half the time. He always thinks the best of the people he has relationships with, even if they don’t seem like the nicest people on the outside, and usually will glom onto any good deed someone does and stubbornly think of them in that light even if they’re a jerk 99% of the time.

Naruto is very enthusiastic about just about everything, including things he’s happy or angry about. When he’s sad, he’s very sad (though he usually tries to cover up his more embarrassing feelings if he can manage it), and when he’s excited about something, he’s likely to scream at the top of his lungs in joy. He’s also not shy about many things normal people are and doesn’t mind airing his business for everyone to know about (except when he’s upset about an emotional, personal thing), and is open physically to the point where he really has no qualms about undressing in front of a crowd, not seeing a point in being embarrassed.

He’s in-your-face and won’t have trouble telling someone what he feels about them, for good or bad. Naruto doesn’t often try to hurt other people emotionally, however (physically is a different story – if you piss him off enough). Naruto is kind beneath his rough exterior, and extremely sensitive about certain things. He is also a very moral person, and always determined. Naruto knows never to give up, and he never will. He’s also just as quick to stand up to himself as he is to stand up for others.

Fast Facts
Favorite foods: Miso pork ramen from Ichiraku – only second to ramen Minato makes him. Otherwise, Naruto frequents McDonald's and loves to eat pizza. The usual standard American cuisine. Naruto's more a fan of stomach-filling foods than sweets, but he definitely goes on candy binges. He's more a fan of junk food however, and will munch on chips all day. As far as drinks go, Naruto loves milk and will drink cartons of it by himself – usually straight from the carton since Minato takes no part in it. Soda consumption is second to milk, and despite his underaged status, Naruto drinks alcohol "like a fish."

Clothes: Most often seen in t-shirts, jeans, and sandals. He likes to wear his clothes fitted, but otherwise doesn't pay too close attention to his appearance as far as dressing. He owns a few designer items, but that's mostly to show he can buy them rather than him wanting them above else. He'll just as happily wear stuff he buys at flea markets, which he often does. Likes to wear bright colors, like orange, pink, yellow, and isn't afraid of weird accessories.

Favorite Colors: Orange is his favorite color, followed by navy blue (the blue mostly because it looks good with orange).

Scared of: Naruto doesn't like being alone, and he's mostly scared of the possibility of being alone forever. That goes hand in hand with Naruto's fear of losing his father. Not much else scares him as far as physical things go. He's not afraid of spiders or the dark. Not even big bullies scare him. And death only scares him if it's the death of a loved one.

Sports: Casually watches sports when he feels like it. Enjoys going to games if someone else wants to bring him along, mostly for the experience of sitting in the stands and feeling the energy.

Hobbies: Drinking, clubbing, watching TV and movies, caring for his plants, joyriding, running, hanging out with friends, eating, sleeping, going to the beach, fucking around on his webcam, goofing off, playing pranks.

Animals: Loves animals, especially amphibians. Even likes bugs and will capture a spider to put it outside rather than squish it. But bugs are probably his least favorite (excluding butterflies and stick insects, both of which he has kept as pets at different times). Is more of a dog person than a cat person, and likes big mammals. Has a fondness for foxes, however, and has dressed up as a fox for Halloween parties on a couple occasions.

Plants: Naruto likes green, leafy plants more than flowering ones. He decorates the house with them, ranging from a tiny bonsai that he snips and shapes dedicatedly, to tall, leafy ficus plants. Is thus knowledgeable about plants and likes to spend time outdoors, tending to a garden. It's something Naruto doesn't talk about a lot, but doesn't try to hide. People are usually just surprised to learn it about him.

People: He's attracted to self-assured people with strong opinions, generally. But Naruto has a healthy sense of cuteness. It's easy to get along with Naruto, but also to repel him. He'll accept almost anyone, but because of his strong morals he's also quick to offend others by telling them off if he feels the need. Naruto is ever-blunt to people, but even those who might be his enemies in the beginning end up becoming his friends eventually.

Movies and Television: Naruto's not hard to please, although he isn't a fan of movies that really make him think because they tend to confuse the shit out of him. Any "boring," serious topics and a lot of documentaries will make him want to snore – and he probably will. He'll loudly admit he LOVES action movies, probably his favorite genre, and horror, definitely B movies, stupid teen movies (and movies that make fun of teen movies), comedies, and dumbed down psychological thrillers. As long as there's someone there to explain everything to him. On TV, he loves MTV and VH1, and he'll also watch Nick @ Nite, being a big fan of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. SECRETLY – and I do mean secret – Naruto is a sucker for chick flicks and romance. He'll admit to watching TV shows produced with women in mind (he frequents WE to watch Bridezilla and other funny reality TV for women), like Charmed, The OC, Will and Grace, and etc., but he has a movie collection of the sappiest, most predictable romance movies that women flock to and cry over. Naruto hasn't watched them without tears, himself. It's a heavily guarded secret that few know about and it embarrasses him probably more than anything.

Morals: He's a stickler for doing what's right – and not in terms of the law. Naruto has a very big disregard for the law, actually, but he doesn't cheat, lie, or steal (unless one counts sneaking into movies as stealing – and downloading music illegally). He will, however, drink even though he's not twenty-one, and he speeds every time he climbs into the driver's seat. Naruto believes in loyalty and honesty. He doesn't agree with bullies or putting other people down. Anyone who hurts someone, even if Naruto doesn't know the victim, are like scum to him, and he'll start a fight with them no matter how big they are. He dislikes shallow people and doesn't approve of discrimination of any kind. He's an all around nice guy, even if he can come off as an obnoxious jerk at times.

Anything else you want to know about Naruto...?

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2009-03-11 01:22 am UTC (link)
That is so huge. It makes me wanna do one.... but I am so lazy unless inspired.

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2009-03-11 01:26 am UTC (link)
This is kind of off topic, but in another RP I was in we used to randomly draw a player's name out of a hat and players would get to ask questions about their character(s) AND the player. It made everyone understand the characters much more and brought the players closer together. It was fun!

This made me think of that because, well, it was a way for people to give facts about their characters without writing up a huge thing like this.

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2009-03-11 05:36 am UTC (link)
That really is a good idea because you get to feel a bit more together plus character understanding because seriously, I think there is only a small few who knows how to get through to my Itachi. Udon is easy XD Plus you get to know more about the person and what they like etc

I really wanna do that now. I guess the long list of stuff here is more of a start.

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2009-03-11 06:54 am UTC (link)
I'm in if the mods wanna go for it!

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2009-03-11 10:09 am UTC (link)
:O This sounds interesting. If everybody wants to go through with it, then it's totally something we could do in the future.

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2009-03-11 02:17 am UTC (link)
*luffs on her man-child*

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2009-03-11 06:55 am UTC (link)

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