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Marcus Todd

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Black Mask [08 Jun 2011|02:53pm]

Name: Martin Sionis

PB: Ethan Hawke

History: The son of the original Black Mask, Roman Sionis by his assistant Ms. Li, Martin never knew his father since he died before he was old enough to remember him. Following that he had a fairly normal childhood not really knowing about his father or what he did. After he graduated college he found about the truth about his father and he got really mad about his father being killed. He decided to take over the family business and get revenge on the city and it's heroes. Though this has taken a back seat now as he found that he rather enjoys running a criminal empire.

Abilities: Martin is an ok fighter and a decent shot. He is a very efficient planner with a keen eye for detail. He has a violent streak in him though not as bad as his fathers but still quite bad.
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