Marcus Todd's Journal

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19th November 2013

10:52pm: Snowball Fight Meme
It was the first snow of the season. Marcus didn't get a lot of snow back home so it was always cool for him to see. He was outside check out the snow walking around.
10:40pm: Threaning Meme
Red Hood opened fire. He didn't particularly care who this guy was that was causing trouble in his town, and the guy didn't seem to like it that he didn't know who he was, but this was going to end this now.

9th April 2013

3:23am: Dark Titans
Name: Slade/Eddie York

PB:Ashley Zukerman

History: Eddie's parents were killed by Deathstoke on a contract when he was very young. Since the contract said nothing about Eddie Slade took him and left him with people he trusted. Eddie grew to view Slade as being his father not remembering his own parents. Slade in turn started acting a bit like a father figure to him training him when he had time and having others training him. Eddie wanted to be just like Slade and help him with his work but Slade wouldn't let him. When he was older Eddie decided to make his own group of titans to beat the new one once and for all as a way to prove himself to Slade

Powers: Eddie has been trained extensively by Slade and others Slade trusts in how to fight in hand-to-hand, weapons, and marksmanship. He is a fairly capable in tactics as well.

Name: Haze/Jack Loren

PB: Matthew McNulty

History: Jack never knew his dad growing up his had having been hospitalized before he was born. He grew up fairly happily though not to well off but his mom never hit him or anything. However when he came into his psychic powers that all changed as he was not prepared for it and couldn't control his abilities driving him mad. His abilities led to him finding out who his father was and ho his grandfather was. He decided he wasn't revenge on his grandfather and all those involved with his father's downfall.

Powers: Jack a telepath of some skill. Normally though all he is capable of is telepathic communication and reading surface thoughts. His telepathy is different from most though whenever he is near another psychic he can automatically steal their psychic power and add it to his own leaving them powerless until they can get away from him. This doesn't give him access to their powers or anything just make his own powers stronger by their level of power. Also even if a psychic is not close to him but they try to use their powers on him he will automatically take their power from them before they can even do anything leaving them powerless for about an hour and give him a power up for about the same amount of time. If he gets close enough for his normal psychic power steal to work then he can continue to keep their power after the time limit uninterrupted until they can escape. When he is empowered Jack shows great skill at mind control and mental illusions.

Name: Jet Blue/Trevor Thawne

PB: Joseph Morgan

History: The son of Malcom Thawne and biological newphew of Barry Allen. As sure he grew up with a hatred of all the Flashs and Speedsters in general. One day he stole his father's Blue Flame Talisman. Using it's powers he gave himself Superspeed. His father was not happy about this but had been growing old and decided he would train him in how to use the talisman. Starting off as a solo villain Eddie found him and got him to join his group.

Powers: Trevor has the Blue Flames Talisman and knows how to use it. This gives him superspeed to be able to match a Flash, the ability to heal others with healing flames, create constructs of blue flames, and use the talisman to absorb energy. The Talisman is powered by hate. Without the talisman he is just a normal human who is fairly intelligent.

Name: Bionic Woman/ Jill Wagner

PB: Michelle Ryan

History: The daughter of a mad scientist. She was badly hurt in a conflict between her father and a super hero. Jill was rebuilt as an advanced cyborg. She hated her father for doing this to her but she hated the heroes even more for causing this t happen to her. After killing her father he decided to become a villain going after heroes. Eddie recruited her to his group not long after that.

Powers: Jill is capable due to her biotic enhancements of lifting over 50 tons, running over 50 mph and doing so for long periods of time without tiring. She can also see into different spectrum of light and heightened hearing. She is also very durable

Name: Johnny Register

PB: Reiley McClendon

History: The son of Doctor Samuel Register. His father performed experiments with the virus that gave Beast Boy his powers hoping to unlock it's secrets. However after being cured of the virus the first time could no long get it to work for him. So he began to experiment on Johnny causing his skin to turn purple but the virus would not stabilize in him. Johnny likes to cause trouble with his powers and Eddie recruited him to his team were he can cause lots of trouble. He still goes back to his dad for more formula for his anti-virus.

Powers: Johnny has animal shape-shifting powers similar to Beast Boy but must inject himself with an anti-virus to keep the virus behind his powers in check at least once a day.

Name: Condor/Marvin Blackwater

PB:Alfred Kovac

History: Marvin is the Clyde to Sarah's Bonnie and have been delinquents together since they were little. Marvin is the muscle on the two and has always been very strong and tough as well as a capable fighter. While on a robbery gone wrong a voice in his head told him to say the word and he did becoming Marvin. Their crimes continued to escalate from there with their new powers. Eventually Eddie asked them to join his group. Sarah said that they should join up with him because it was their way into the big leagues.

Powers: Condor's powers are very similar to that of Hawk's

Name: Swan/Sarah Barr

PB:Anna Speckhart

History: Sarah is the Bonnie to Marvin's Clyde and have been delinquents together since they were little. Sarah is fairly intelligent is the brains behind the crimes. While on a robbery gone wrong a voice in her head told her to say the word and she did becoming Swan. Their crimes continued to escalate from there with their new powers. Eventually Eddie asked them to join his group and Sarah saw it as her way to the big league.

Powers: Swan is a minor force of Order like Dove. She is capable of spitting fire and throwing fire blasts. She has low level superhuman strength and speed and durability. She also is superhuman acrobatic skills. She singing is highly distractive. While in Swan form she also has accelerated healing. Swan however does lack the ability to fly or a danger sense.

Name: Tsunami- Ino Shimada


History: A grant niece of the original Tsunami Ino grew up in Japan and has a strong sense of honor. Ino grew up in a single parent household with only her mother whom she is very close to. However when her mother became gravely ill she was force to turn to crime to help her mother and pay her medical bills. Eddie offered her a chance to have her mother get the best medical care available if she worked for him which she of course agree to. While she has no strong feelings against the titans in anyway she will do whatever she can to help out her team to settle her debt of honor she owes to Eddie for helping her.

Powers: Tsunami has superhuman strength which allow her to swim at superhuman speeds. Tsunami also has the mental ability to control water. She is however better at controlling larger bodies of water to create giant waves than smaller bodies of water but can still do so.

31st January 2013

12:03pm: Marvel Avengers Alliance Concept
Red Hood- Marcus Todd


Master Planner- Change to grant Marcus Planned Attack which grants Marcus an extra turn causing exhaustion.


L1- Akimbo Shots- Single Target gun ranged attack. Causes Exposed.

L2- Martial Arts Combo- Single Target unarmed melee attack. Causes Combo Setup.

L6- Assault Rifle- Targets all opponents with a gun ranged attack. Causes Weakness.

L9- Rocket Launcher- Single target fire energy gun ranged. Causes splash damage, Burning, and Bleeding. Exploits Exposed

30th September 2012

4:30pm: Test Scene
Marcus had not been back in Gotham in years. He much prefer his place with dad back in the Keys to Gotham but it had been his home for a while and it gave him a chance to visit his mom's grave. Plus it also gave him a chance to check out the famous action in the city whether he had the Bat's permission or not.

Which was exactly what he was doing right now. There was a bank robbery going on which he was going to stop and deal with.

23rd September 2012

2:03pm: New App
Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Matt
AIM (if you have one):
Character Name: Marcus Todd formerly Marcus Smith
Character LJ (if applicable):

Physical description (face, build, weight): Marcus has blondish-red hair and has blue eyes. He is 6’ and 210lbs.
Age: 19
Birthday: March 24
Codename (if using one): Red Hood
PB: (If using one.) Kevin Schmidt

Abilities: Highly trained Martial Artist- he was trained by Jason Todd in how to fight

Expert Marksmen- especially with guns and typically wields two hand gun when he fights

Master Planner- Marcus is highly skilled at planning ahead and preparing traps. He is also extremely good at chess. Though wishes it was more violent.

Skilled Detective- He was trained by his father in investigation and is fairly good at it

Weaknesses and flaws: Normal Human. His anger can get the better of him in a fight.

Character location/Home: Gotham City
Alignment (villain, hero etc): Heroicish
Team: Independent Vigilante
Relatives (living/dead?): Jillian Smith-Mother(deceased), Jason Todd-Father, Willis Todd-grandfather(deceased)

Backstory: Jason Todd had been hurt in badly in a fight and needed trained medical attention. He snuck into a hospital to get it even if he had to force someone to give it to him. He found Jillian who thought he was a real hero and freely gave him medical help. Jason kept coming back to her when he was hurt because she made it easy to get good medical attention. She fell in love with him under the Florence Nightingale effect. She wanted move and Jason wanted to keep using her for medical help and if she wanted to make things more fun fine.

This continued for a while until Jillian found out she was pregnant. In a moment of mental clarity Jason decided that he had to stop this and that it would be better if he stopped involvement in both of their lives. He told her that he couldn't see her any more as it wouldn't be safe for either her or the baby but left her with a way to get in contact with him if it was absolutely necessary.

Jillian raised Marcus by herself and never said much about his dad other than that he was a good man.

Everything would change for Marcus when he was eight while coming back home from a night out. A shoot out between the police and some gang members drove past them and a stray bullet hit his mom killing her in front of him. He was mentally a wreck and angry at everything. Jillian's will stated that Marcus's father should be contacted and be given custody of Marcus if he should want it. Jason wasn't going to leave his kid alone in the world if he could help it like he had been since Marcus had no other family. He also worked hard to make sure no one found out about Marcus since he was fairly sure that if anyone in the superhuman community found out about him raising Marcus they would take him away and he didn’t want that to happen.

He also saw an opportunity to train him to be the best like him. For years he brutally trained Marcus in how to fight, shoot, and set up traps. While he had no natural skill for most of it he was a brilliant planner. Jason also taught him everything he knew about the Bat Family and their villains.

However things took another dramatic change in Marcus's life when Donna met up with Jason again and she found out he had a kid and what he was doing with him. Instead of trying to take Marcus away from Jason she got Jason to shift the focus of his training to something less vengeful and deadly figuring that it was probably best for both of them to stay together and kept Marcus a secret for several years before finally telling Dick about him.

Dick wasn't sure what to think about this for a while. When he finally went to confront Jason about this he saw that Donna was probably right about them being good for each other. Still wanting to keep a better eye on Marcus, he suggested Marcus join the Teen Titans as a better way to socialize and do more as a hero.

While still violent for a hero he tones himself down around the others for their sakes and is a bit more willing to make the hard decisions and choices.

How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: Joining the Teen Titans.

What are you planning to do with this character?: Teen Titans stuff.

What do you want to see happen with this character?: I would like to see Marcus repay his dad’s debt to Talia al Ghul for bring his dad back from the brink. It would also be neat to do some bat family stuff with him as well.

Test Scene:

8th June 2011

2:53pm: Black Mask

Name: Martin Sionis

PB: Ethan Hawke

History: The son of the original Black Mask, Roman Sionis by his assistant Ms. Li, Martin never knew his father since he died before he was old enough to remember him. Following that he had a fairly normal childhood not really knowing about his father or what he did. After he graduated college he found about the truth about his father and he got really mad about his father being killed. He decided to take over the family business and get revenge on the city and it's heroes. Though this has taken a back seat now as he found that he rather enjoys running a criminal empire.

Abilities: Martin is an ok fighter and a decent shot. He is a very efficient planner with a keen eye for detail. He has a violent streak in him though not as bad as his fathers but still quite bad.

2nd November 2010

12:00pm: Fearsome Hand of Four
Fearsome Hand of Four

A group of highly skilled cybernetically enhanced ninja assassins for hire. Their true identities are unknown as is their past. They all wear cybernetically enhanced suits that enhance their skills and protect them.


Name: Woman

History: Woman is an expert in Niten Ichi-Ryu a powerful two sword fighting style. She is the most talkative member of the team and often acts as team leader.

Powers: Woman has had minor speed, strength, and endurance augmentations with major upgrades to her reaction speed and dexterity. This means that she can use her swords to stop bullets even at close range from a skilled shooter. Woman wields twin katanas that have been electrified and is very skilled at using them.


Name: Baton

History: Baton does not say much in fights but is usually the second in command in fights. He is the mid-range fighter of the team and tends to be very good at the role for the team.

Powers: Baton has had moderate augmentations to his strength,speed,endurance,agility and reaction times. Baton wields a staff weapon with electrified ends that he is skilled at using.


Name: Bulk

History: Bulk is the typically strong and silent type.  He is without a doubt the group's big muscle and is the best at helping out his teammates.

Powers: Bulk has had major augmentations to his strength and endurance. He is a skilled fighter as a tank or bruiser and likes to make full use of his great strength.


Name: Shot

History: Shot is a animalistic fighter who often crawls to move around. Shot is well trained in monkey style kung fu and is a very acrobatic fight. Shot is often relied upon by the group for his stealth and stalking abilities.

Powers: Shot has had major augmentations to his speed and agility. His suit features sharp claws and a powerful energy cannon in it's eye. He is very smart at fighting with these weapons combined with is augmentations.

27th July 2010

9:43pm: Test Scene

Marcus had broken up a hard drug operation in Gotham earlier this week. He had broken into where they were based and taken care of the filthy, rotten crooks inside.  However the boss had gotten away in the chaos of the shootout. He was not happy about that and had been tracking him across the country like a bloodhound and had finally caught up to him in Star City.

He wanted to just head in there and shoot the place up but that wasn’t smart. This wasn’t his turf and guy was a clever son of a bitch. So he was doing a quick stake out before he made his entrance on the building across the street.

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