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The Curse of Bad Days (Etoile) [07 Sep 2013|11:31pm]
They'd gotten back from an xmen mission the other night, some mystic mumbo jumbo was involved there, that sort of thing wasn't his forte though. But when that lot swore curses at the lot of you well...once in a while it seemed to come true. Or maybe he was just paranoid.
It had started innocently, spilling milk while pouring his cereal, but somehow he'd ended up knocking the spoon to the floor and flipping the whole bowl as he bent down to retrieve the stupid spoon. And as luck would have it the bowl decided to land on his head. Oh and the milk it turns out had been expired. 
Embarrassing but minor, nothing to call a curse. 
Then there'd been the stair railing breaking under his grip and having him slip and almost do a backflip as he tumbled down the stairs. Again, embarrassing but still...maybe he'd just held the thing too hard. It happened right?
And then there were other little things, his alarm not going off, buttons on his shirt that popped off while trying to put the thing on (he'd given up and gone to breakfast shirtless before returning for a tshirt later), being unable to find his school books in time to run to catch a ride to class, having a pop quiz in the form of a programming in-class assignment based of reading he hadn't been able to do because he was fighting evil, ending up in giant lines that took up his whole lunch time but left no time to actually get lunch, missing the bus by a mere moment, the bus he did catch was delayed then broke down part way, and just when he arrived back to the mansion, it turned out he'd left his best mouse in his last class. And he'd still not eaten that day.
Ugh this was a bad day and not looking like it was getting better.
Vlad decided to risk the kitchen, he was starving and really...maybe the fridge would be nice to him?
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Capernoited [10 Jun 2013|11:58pm]
It was late afternoon not quite early evening and they were at the campus bar. Sure it was a bit before dinner or before people came in to really drink, but it being more empty was a good thing. And it wasn't actually too early to be drinking still. The main reason to be here was because there was free pool once a week and the table wasn't in use (it always seemed occupied at Xavier's) so since he had an evening conference (it was really kind of useless, and barely anyone showed up but there were attendance marks for presentation days, of which this was one) he decided now was the time to take advantage of free pool. And might as well play Etoile for the fun of it too.
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Anomia [10 Jun 2013|11:50pm]
Vlad hugged Cait from behind, wrapping his arms around her and rested his chin on the top of her head as he narrowed his eyes and considered the piece in front of them. He totally knew the name of this. For sure. It shouldn't even be that hard. He'd bet a lot that he'd seen pictures of this many times before. And no, he would not cheat and look at the plaque.
But why couldn't he remember who it was to save his life?
"Wait...I know this one. I can get this, I swear!" Yeah...no. Well, way to look stupid in front of your girlfriend in the middle of the Ancient Rome exhibit. Which was sort of the one that mattered really. 
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Stupid flu (meme) [28 May 2013|06:39pm]
Vlad blew his nose again. Stupid flu. Being invulnerable spared you from all sorts of other injuries but he was still susceptible to illnesses. Even the flu.
This was terrible, he was feeling tired, his head was stuffed up, he was coughing, and he might've been running a fever, he wasn't sure. But he was sick of being stuck in bed so with a pillow, box of tissues, and a blanket, he'd ventured out in search of new territory.
His mission? Take over and camp out on a rec couch. Perhaps he could scare others away with germs. Who knew.
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AU Meme (4, 12): At first sight (Etoile) [02 Apr 2013|12:12am]
Vlad smiled as he walked down the streets of Moscow, turning to take a shortcut to his small apartment not too far from campus. An exchange year in Moscow had definitely been a good decision, he was having a great time, plus his Russian was definitely better now too. Not that it had been bad before, but using it more had been a help. He adjusted the bag on his shoulder and began jogging lightly.
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AU Meme (5,2): Bondage (Lyta) [24 Mar 2013|11:13pm]
Sometimes that woman worked far too much, even out of the office. Which meant it was his job to get her to take breaks. Sneaking up to her where she sat at her 'office away from the office' or as Vlad thought of it 'the workaholic chair', he wraps his arms around her and kisses her cheek. "I'm here to kidnap you away from work. If anyone wants you back they need to pay the ransom."
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Meme [15 Oct 2012|05:12pm]
1. What is your full name? Do you have a nickname? 
Vladimir Piotrovitch Rasputin. Vlad.
2. How old are you? When is your birthday? 
20. May 17.
3. Where were you born? Where do you live now? Are you patriotic? 
New York and Westchester, NY respectively.
4. Who are/were your parents? (Names, occupations, personalities, etc.) 
Katherine Pryde (Shadowcat) and Piotr Rasputin (Colossus).
5. Do you have any siblings? What are/were they like? 
Yep, two. One older and one younger.
6. What is your occupation? 
College student and X-man (okay the younger team but still).
7. How tall are you? How much do you weigh? 
A bit over 6'3 and 210lbs.
8. What color is your hair? What color are your eyes? 
Brown. Blue.
9. What is your race?
Human Mutant
10. To which social class do you belong?
Middle I'd guess
11. Do you consider yourself to be attractive? Do others? 
Isn't it more important that the people you're attracted to you find you attracted back? Would suck otherwise.
12. What is your style of dress? 
Clothes aren't really important. I'm pretty casual when I wear them.
13. Do you have any scars? Tattoos? Birthmarks? Other unique physical features?
*laughs* My mutation kind of makes all of those impossible. Just saying.
14. Do you have any allergies, diseases, or other physical weaknesses?
15. Are you right- or left-handed?
Right handed
16. What does your voice sound like? 
I won't make your ears bleed but I can't sing well.
17. What kind of vocabulary do you use? 
I'm not very formal. but I don't swear like a sailor either (...in english).
18. List three quirks or other defining characteristics. 
19. How often do you bathe? Do you wear perfumes? 
Often and no.
20. What kind of facial expression do you commonly wear (dour glare, wry smile, etc)? 
Most of the time I'm smiling.
21. Do you use body language? How? 
Well now that I'm thinking about it of course I don't know! It's supposed to be subconcious. 
22. Do you have a commonly used saying? 
23. What is your earliest memory? 
Goofing off with siblings at home and wrecking general havoc.
24. How much schooling have you had? Did you enjoy it? 
I'm in 3rd year in college now, it's going well.
25. Where did you learn most of your knowledge and skill? 
Family of various sorts and school of course.
26. How would you describe your childhood in general? 
Fun and full of adventure.
27. As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? 
An X-man.
28. When and with whom was your first kiss? 
Girl in one of my classes at Xavier's years ago.
29. Are you a virgin? If not, when and with whom did you lose your virginity? 
Hey, I'm open but that's just prying.
30. Do you have a notorious or celebrated ancestor? Does that affect you? 
Oh quite a few. Want me to list them? I mean, I've got an x-woman with a pet alien dragon, a former communist x-man (it's fun to make the ultra conservative people faint with 'godless communist'. Makes you expect someone weirder.), a sorceress supreme of a demon dimension (also a fun one for sensitive people), insane former cosmonaut, oh there was some foreign mob trouble on my mother's side and well...you get the idea. Fun to shock people with though.
31. What do you consider the most important event of your life so far? 
Mutation and getting to go to Xavier's officially.
32. What do you consider your greatest achievement? 
Not sure, I've done quite well in college so far, so I'm proud of that.
33. What is your greatest regret? 
Don't have one yet so...I don't know.
34. What is the most embarrassing or shameful thing ever to happen to you? 
Well I'm not going to go around telling stories like that now am I?
35. Do you have any secrets? If so, what are they?- 
Not that I can think of, sorry.
36. What is the most evil thing you have ever done? 
I don't think I've done anything evil, I mean teasing siblings doesn't count.
37. When was the time you were the most frightened? 
When I knew like a handful of japanese words as a kid and got separated from the family when we visited Japan. I was a kid and it was pretty scary, so many people and so easy to lose others.
38. Have you ever traveled outside of your country? If so, to where?
Yeah, a bunch of places. I've studied in Germany and Russia for a year each recently on top of that.
39. What is your alignment?
Good guy.
40. Are you basically optimistic or pessimistic? 
Optimistic for sure.
41. Do you believe in a god? If so, which one and why? 
I'm not really religious, most of the religious stuff I do is from tradition. Mostly Judaism in our house, but we do give people gifts for christmas and all that too.
42. Do you believe in an afterlife? 
Yeah, I'd say so.
43. What is your greatest fear? 
Losing my family, whether it be my blood one or xmen one. 
44. What makes you angry? Sad? Happy? Why? 
People hurting those I care about, not being able to do anything about stuff, and well a lot makes me happy.
45. Do you think people are basically good or basically evil?
I'd say most people have good in them, you shouldn't ignore that.
46. What are your views on politics? Religion? Sex? 
*shrugs* Hey, everyone has their opinions and religions, I respect that. Though politics is a mess usually. Sex is...well up to the whoever's involved I guess. Not mine to pry about.
47. What are your views on gambling, lying, theft, and killing? 
I don't count friendly bets involving ice cream in that so...I don't lie if I can help it and I just straight up don't do the other 3 there.
48. How far will you go to defend your beliefs? 
Depends the situation but as far as I need to go.
49. How much do you value money? 
Money is needed, you gotta be a little practical. But again, there's more important things too.
50. In your opinion, what is the most evil thing any human being could do? 
Senseless killing is up there.
51. Do you believe in self-sacrifice for the greater good? 
In my family you kind of have to. But yeah I do even if it can suck.
52. Do you believe in the existence of soul mates and/or true love? 
Not sure, I'm open to the idea though.
53. Are you superstitious? 
Nah, not for me. I just joke about having bad luck.
54. How much do you respect the beliefs and opinions of others? 
I try to get along with everyone, that also means respecting them and their beliefs. Besides, it teaches you a lot.
55. How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings?
Hey, if you ask I'll tell you. But of course not for everything.
56. Do you have any biases or prejudices? 
I try not to let them affect things too much.
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Back home [11 Jun 2012|06:42pm]
Carrying one suitcase in each hand and one tucked under his arm, Vlad walks up the steps to Xavier's as if they weighed nothing. Now just to find his old key and...well darn, he knew he forgot something. Oh well, not like the key would've worked. With the punishment the buildings took per year they'd probably changed the locks a while ago. Best to wait for someone to let him in.

With one of the suitcases, he knocks on the large double doors and hopes it's not a student that answers.
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Application [11 Jun 2012|06:02pm]
 NextGen Application (Canon and OC)
Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Sands
Email: on file
AIM (if you have one): on file
Character Name: Vladimir “Vlad” Piotrovitch Rasputin
Character LJ (if applicable): under_the_skin
Physical description (face, build, weight): 6”3, brown hair, blue eyes, well built but not the body builder size his father is
Age: 20
Birthday: May 17
PB: (If using one.): Vladimir Ivanov


Vlad has super durability and strength (Class 100 as full metal form) but when hit hard enough, his skin seems to rip off to reveal a dark metal looking form beneath. The more of this exposed, the greater his strength in proportion. 20% of his body revealed as the metal form = 20% increase in strength. So in his normal form he works around 50 tons but can go higher when under extreme stress or strain. He is capable of withstanding great impacts, bullets, energy blasts, extreme heat or cold (although a rapid switch between the two will cause cracking and damage), falls from great heights, and even is resistant to electricity and some magic attacks. Since he doesn't switch to this metal form ever (and his skin grows back quickly to recover him) he is not heavier or slowed down because of this mysterious metal form beneath. He has to be careful about how much strength he puts into things though as it could easily kill people. Also has increased stamina (not very superhuman though) which allows him to go on longer than the average human as well as increased speed (but not superhuman) due to stronger leg muscles without the weight that would come with extra muscle. He's currently working on using his enhanced strength to leap over great heights.

Vlad is fluent in English, Russian, German and quite good in Japanese. He’s had training in a variety of martial arts by Wolverine and his mother, and sword-fighting by Nightcrawler.

Weaknesses and flaws:

While he does have super strength and durability, unlike his father he doesn’t have a massive weight to make him sturdy enough to stand in front of oncoming things and not be moved. He's a lightweight tank in a way. He can be thrown, pushed away and such but won’t be damaged by the landing is all. So if hit with a large enough caliber he will be pushed back, same goes for explosions since his weight always remains the same. In order to make a dent in a vehicle coming at him he usually does a leaping punch to prevent himself from just getting hit and being thrown away. He’s no more invulnerable to disease than anyone else but has the problem that no surgeon seems to be able to pierce the metal layer. Unlike colossus he has no switching off and on of this metal form and thus still needs food and water, more actually than the average person. He can also be knocked out by gas, poisoned or be internally hurt. While he can lift 100 tons in his normal, non-scrapped up, form, it’s rare, difficult and takes a great deal of effort and has only occurred under great stress. Vlad has found that working out and exercise has made it easier for him to reach these limits.
Character location/Home: Xavier’s
Alignment (villain, hero etc): Hero
Team: Xmen
Relatives (living/dead?): Katherine Pryde (mother/alive), Piotr Rasputin (father/alive), 2 siblings,  Illyana Rasputin (aunt), Mikhail Rasputin (uncle)


The younger son of Shadowcat and Colossus, Vlad grew up mostly at Xavier’s where both his parents had posts as teachers and administrators. Despite the mansion being attacked quite a few times during his childhood, he had a happy one and could often be found following his godfathers, Uncle Logan and Kurt, around and insisting they teach him their cool moves. Both gave in and Logan ended up teaching young Vlad some of the martial arts he’d taught to Kitty while Kurt helped the young boy out with his sword skills, which Vlad particularly enjoyed. Especially when they’d train in the danger room as pirates. As the son of two mutants he fully expected to one day become an actual student at Xaviers and not just the little kid free to run around. His was initially a more subtle manifestation, a few days of odd pains all over but no physical change seemed to be nothing but a freak bug. It was only a few weeks later, while managing to get to the roof of one of the lower sections of Xavier’s did his mutation become apparent. Slipping on some shingles, Vlad painfully slid down the rest of the way, in what was sure to result in some very nasty “roof burns” and a bad fall. Instead he landed without breaking anything and seemed perfectly fine until the others noticed that half his body, where he should have been scrapped up, seemed to have had the skin ripped away to reveal a dark metal layer underneath. There was a frenzy as they tried to figure out if the skin would re-cover this layer, or if he could turn off this metal form underneath. It turned out that he had no control over the metal form and that it constantly lay under his skin regardless of what he wished, but at the same time his skin would slowly regrow and again cover the areas where it had been ripped off. Now able to be a real student at Xavier’s, Vlad was quite excited to finally be a part of the school for real. He excelled in the computer classes, Kitty had made sure he had a good base to begin with before he was ever enrolled, and was an avid illustrator in his free time. Once he graduated, Vlad left for a year of studying in Munich, then the next year in Moscow, until finally, at the insistence of his parents, he came back home to stay and Xavier’s and help where he could. Of course, being an Xman wasn’t a bad way to convince him to come either.

Vlad is rather easy going and adventurous, and believes that although mutants might not have it best, he’s going to enjoy life to the fullest. He studies computer science, and believes, unlike his father, that his talent at drawing should only ever be a hobby or side interest and wouldn’t be much good if he ever wanted an actual job. But he still draws as often as he can and has a collection of them in his room, but he’s somewhat shy about people seeing them. He also fences in his free time. Because his mutant power is enhanced when he does get “injured”, it usually results in lots of clothes being destroyed which has led him to usually limit how much he wears, and has no problem walking around in less, regardless of weather. It became a running joke in the dorms. Near nudity doesn’t phase him but he realizes he should probably work on wearing more clothes around people.
How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: Returning to Xavier’s to continue his studies, catch up with old friends and help out 
What are you planning to do with this character? Join the xmen, and shenanigans and plots of course
What do you want to see happen with this character?: Develop a bit and learn more uses for his powers
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