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Creators are the past, present, and future [18 Mar 2008|03:11am]
An Artist, is like a Rubix Cube, they see and have to be seen by the world from a 3D demention. Plain is never in the vocab of a creator. Artists are people that see things and think so different, their minds are so complicated they cant even figure out them selfs. Writes, Painters Creators in general some spend their entire like figuring out why they see the world so different.Painters see the world in shapes and colors, they catch a scene and they painted so their would never forget it. Writers express the silent words on paper and when you read them they scream out to you like standing in of a loud high school game with everyone screaming words out. The world of an Artist is never plain,they imagine things in the most dullest moments. Musicians hear music in silent places, Writers hear stories, theaters in front of them acting out their stories like one of Shakespeare plays. Painters pain the scene with vibrant colors. Weird? No, the definition of the Weird is and I Quote "relating to, or suggestive of the preternatural or supernatural." Creators are not sure natural or anything like that, Yes there is creators in our history that have gone mental, but they haven't gotten in to the category of Weird. I'm pretty sure Van Gogh had a good reason to to go mental and cut his year off, but we will never know, its not like we heard his side of the story.
So, I'm not really sure what point I'm trying to prove here, but this is how i see Creators....My mother is an Artist she actually works at home and such. And sometimes its a very harsh life, they actually criticize your every artwork. Trust me its not cool at all.
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