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User:unabashednudity (28303)
The Yondaime
If you want my body and you think I'm sexy...
Name:Namikaze Minato
Location:Los Angeles, California, United States
AOL IM:AIM status isbritishwutwut (Add Buddy, Send Message)

If you want my body, and
you think I'm sexy...

Name: Namikaze Minato

Age: 37

Blood Type: B

Birthday: January 25

Likes: Silence, silence with moderate amounts of noise, drinking, my mp3 player [ranges from 70's classics/Japanese Pop], surfing, Golden Girls/The Nanny, confusing the masses with British slang, flip-flops, lactaid.

Dislikes:Pointless American holidays, Uchiha Tobi, busy highways.

Favorite Food: Imported milk chocolate. Ignore the lactose intolerance. I do frequently. ♥

Favorite Position: Any variation; not with you.

My name is Minato, and I am a sexy lady. ♥

[journal for Minato Namikaze @ the Nixcore AU Naruto roleplay. pb is Alex Pettyfer. ♥]

Schools:None listed
People31:aladyofshallot, allinthefamily, busted_up, dahliadahling, dodos_conundrum, dontfeedthe_, eviscerata, fiery_remnants, filmic_silence, forthearticles, gogglefetish, insidevoices, jizzedinmypants, kirikirimai, likesitrough, mehface, nixcoremod, no_alarmclock, penileart, plotaddiction, pornocentric, puppetshowporn, sagaciousagony, sellingyoursoul, silk_empress, skullfucked, stolidly, testmymettle, thebestultrasex, unabashednudity, uzumakistar
Communities3:hasmanyblonds, nixcore, nixedandfixed
Mutual Friends:27: aladyofshallot, allinthefamily, busted_up, dodos_conundrum, dontfeedthe_, eviscerata, fiery_remnants, filmic_silence, forthearticles, gogglefetish, insidevoices, jizzedinmypants, kirikirimai, likesitrough, mehface, nixcoremod, penileart, plotaddiction, pornocentric, sagaciousagony, sellingyoursoul, silk_empress, skullfucked, stolidly, thebestultrasex, unabashednudity, uzumakistar
Member of:3: hasmanyblonds, nixcore, nixedandfixed
Account type:Early Free User
Date created:2009-03-09 22:02:19
Date updated:2009-11-07 19:33:47, 800 weeks ago
Clients used:Web: 2.0.0
Journal entries:7
Comments:Posted: 868 - Received: 403
Posting Access:3: hasmanyblonds, nixcore, nixedandfixed

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