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Namikaze Minato ([info]unabashednudity) wrote,
@ 2019-03-11 01:58:00

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Current mood: cheerful
Entry tags:phone

OOC: All comments IC

It's not too late...
Cause you are not alone...


"You came so far yet you're so far away! Almost caught me you lovely, beautiful person. Maybe try back later? And you might just get what you're cra- NARUTO PUT THAT DOWN!"


"Damn it all to Hell- Naruto! Naruto the light is on... GET OVER HERE."

[In the distance] "Hang on, you said a minute! I'm totally nude--oh, FUCK IT!" [Voice is close now] "The light is on and you've already ruined it."

"Wouldn't be ruined if you came down here when I called you-... Put some bloody clothes on! No one with a two bit of sense wants to see that!"

"No one over the phone can see it. As for you, you wiped my tiny dick lovingly about twenty times a day when I was your little rat, didn't you? How many times do I have to hear those stories?"

"If tiny is what you want to call it. I thought you were a girl for a good handful of years before the nurse went and pointed it out once upon a check-up. I dare say I had warmed up to thinkin' you m'daughter... I don't see much change in that though now do I?" [There was a snort, then full out laughter]



[insert said yelling in the background/crashing of something probably valuable]




I'm always there with you...
And we'll get lost together.
✴ o1. Obito - The Mistress
✴ o2. Orochimaru - Hebi-Chan
✴ o3. Naruto - Duckie
✴ o4. Udon
✴ o5. Tenten - Princess
✴ o6. Sakura - Hen
✴ o7. Gaara
✴ o8. Itachi
✴ o9. Hinata
✴ 1o. Sasuke - Sod
✴ 11. Tobi


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2009-03-20 09:14 am UTC (link)
... [allows the breath catching, then very casually says-]

Naruto no longer resides here, Udon. You need not worry about him being petty.

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2009-03-20 09:19 am UTC (link)
Oh. Sorry. I didn't know.

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2009-03-20 09:34 am UTC (link)
No need for apologies. Just what can I do for you at- [glance at the clock... sigh]

This will have to be important enough for me not to hunt you down for calling me so early in the day, lad.

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2009-03-20 09:38 am UTC (link)
Oh sorry. Umm it's not really that important..... I-I will call back later when you are awake or not too early. [*cough* bullshit. Over a year with his number and he hasn't abused it yet]

Sorry if I woke you up.

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2009-03-20 09:41 am UTC (link)
[can't escape the parent senses. try harder] Now wait just one bloody moment! You don't wake a man then scare off so easily.

... [sits himself up and reaches for the box of ciggies over yonder] Tell daddy Minato what it is that's making your cap all sorts of fuzzy.

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2009-03-20 09:46 am UTC (link)
[Kind of crapping himself now that he has to go through with it] Ummm ahhh, well... I was wondering about stuff. And how does it work... and ummm. I felt really bad about trying to ask my mom this because she doesn't know and I don't want her to hate me or anything.

No, it's stupid so ummm... can I hang up now and we forget this ever happened?

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2009-03-20 09:48 am UTC (link)
[switch goes the lighter, and a slow inhale of sweet nicotine]

Keep talking. Or I get in my car. And drive to you.

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2009-03-20 09:56 am UTC (link)
N-No you can't do that! [sighs and flops down on his bed, looking up at the ceiling]

It's just that everyone looks up to you and likes you, a-and I hear around work that you break the new guys in which is nice and stuff. But what about the other way around? Like not being that guy and I don't know how to do that... and I kinda wanna know. You know for studying purposes of course!

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2009-03-20 10:02 am UTC (link)
... [the death smoke in his lungs seems to calm him enough so that he actually listens, raising an eyebrow as the boy stumbles along]

It's true. In some light management must know that I have everyone's best interest at heart... They assign me to them and I take the jobs without complaint. [saves the 'I was the scared young man on that bed once' nostalgia talk for another day] So you would be correct in assuming I know how to lead... if that is what you're asking. How to be the dominating half. Correct? For studying purposes?

[slow smirk] You can't study alone, Udon. You need a partner. I don't think Gaara would be against studying with you. Not in the least.

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2009-03-20 10:13 am UTC (link)
I-I-I No! Not Gaara... okay yes. I mean I didn't want to call you and bother you with this stuff because you would have so much more things to do than give me a lesson on life but I watched porn. A lot of it and... it was just so.... fake?

I know that gay porn is marketed mostly towards the female audience so there is a certain... loving something factor in it. Well Asian porn is like that, the American stuff is more rough heat of the moment stuff and while it's good you can't really see what it's like because when I before... it hurt so much and I wouldn't want to do that to someone and I can't even use a sex toy right.

[This would be the time he should shut up but is a little bit too caught up in it] I don't want it to be like porn. I know Gaara wouldn't think of me like anything not friend and he is a great friend, best friend really and you know, that movie didn't look fake. It looked so...nice and... [sighs]

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2009-03-20 10:23 am UTC (link)

[and we're putting the cig out in the dish]

That movie captured what the older generation call 'making love'. Orochimaru did look rather beautiful in that film... Didn't he, Udon.

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2009-03-20 10:49 am UTC (link)
....... [sighs again and stares up at the roof, still being able to picture it in his head] Yeah, he did. I'm sorry I lied to you about it. Marketing wanted to make more copies of it after I found it in the storage room... I just couldn't do it. It wasn't a porn film that could be marketed it was... amazing.

So I have the last copy. I-I can give it to you if you want it. I'm sorry I kept it.

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2009-03-20 10:43 pm UTC (link)
[-suddenly he thinks it was a very bad idea to put the cigarette out] ... We found ourselves in so much trouble that day. You are not to act out of script. You are to what the director says... Our past isn't unexpected. We made our relationship known to everyone because we are horrible, selfish people. But even then we couldn't control ourselves and couldn't...

[fuck you nicotine. fuck you.] It became too hard to 'fake it' with Orochimaru after time. That movie was perhaps the breaking point. I was such a damn fool when I was younger...

... [covers his eyes with his hand, fingers smoothing over his temples] Keep it safe for me, Udon. You've done well so far. So keep my memories safe. Can I trust you?

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2009-03-20 11:06 pm UTC (link)
[sits up and shuffled back on the bed, dragging a pillow around into his lap to rest against] I-I wouldn't show it to anyone. It's even locked up in my bottom drawer and no one knows I got it. Usually when people ask for it they send out the wrong package and they don't even know about it hehehe. I went through a lot to make sure it wasn't reproduced for sale. It felt way more of prying into a private moment than porn.

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2009-03-20 11:17 pm UTC (link)
... On second thought, Udon... I would like to keep it in my possession. And in return I will tell you everything you need to know about treating your man with sweet, tender care.

[stares at the opposite wall, then closes his eyes and leans back against his headboard] Is this a bargain you can accept?

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2009-03-20 11:31 pm UTC (link)
Sure. I mean, I have no right keeping it so you don't even have to give anything really in return. But... I still would like to know.

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2009-03-20 11:35 pm UTC (link)
I think I owe it to you. After all you've always been such a good boy-o. This is my way of praising you for the positive behavior. After all we're surrounded by negativity and stupidity. At times you bring a light to my day and I'm grateful for that.

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2009-03-20 11:46 pm UTC (link)
I do? [is a little in awe by that. Just a little] Wow. I don't really know what to say to that...but thanks?

[way to look like an idiot as usual especially when you have a poster of him right next to your bed!]

But I am a ready and willing student. I can't get worse than what I already am.

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2009-03-20 11:54 pm UTC (link)
You had any doubt? We're friends. [sounds sincere as he says this] -I was only too happy to treat you as my own son when the occasions would arise...

[peers out the window, noting the still dark sky with a sigh. It was far too early for this] We'll start with rule one. Do to your partner what you think would feel nice and dandy on yourself. When you touch imagine what it would feel like if those same fingers were on you. It's best to listen with your body on occasions such as those...

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2009-03-21 12:12 am UTC (link)
No no, not doubts. I just have a bad case of not keeping friends for long that's all heheh and it's been a year and so well that's a long time.

[coughs and gets over himself] What happens if they don't like it and they like something different? Will they say something?

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2009-03-21 12:18 am UTC (link)
Idiots. All of them. [manages a humored laugh] If they care enough to tell you. Sex and 'making love' are two very different things.

In the end you can only trust you gut and know the basics. Lube. Prepare. More lube. Enter.

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2009-03-21 12:48 am UTC (link)
Lube. Got ya.

That stuff actually makes a difference? [Didn't get no lube ;__;]

Wait!? Prepare!? What the hell is that!?

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2009-03-21 12:56 am UTC (link)

You're tugging on my joshers- Prepare, Udon! You stick your fingers in his arse and stretch him!

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2009-03-21 12:57 am UTC (link)
....Oh. I got it now. [smothers face in pillow and hopes to die sometimes soon]

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2009-03-21 01:04 am UTC (link)
... [sighs] Use water based lube. Not oil. Always use protection unless you are in a permanent relationship. [inwardly winces. not like he's followed that rule to the key... most of the time]

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Re: [CALL MINATO] - [info]jizzedinmypants, 2009-03-21 01:27 am UTC
Re: [CALL MINATO] - [info]unabashednudity, 2009-03-21 02:05 am UTC
Re: [CALL MINATO] - [info]jizzedinmypants, 2009-03-21 02:36 am UTC
Re: [CALL MINATO] - [info]unabashednudity, 2009-03-21 02:38 am UTC
Re: [CALL MINATO] - [info]jizzedinmypants, 2009-03-21 03:13 am UTC
Re: [CALL MINATO] - [info]unabashednudity, 2009-03-21 03:16 am UTC
Re: [CALL MINATO] - [info]jizzedinmypants, 2009-03-21 03:36 am UTC
Re: [CALL MINATO] - [info]unabashednudity, 2009-03-21 03:39 am UTC
Re: [CALL MINATO] - [info]jizzedinmypants, 2009-03-21 04:06 am UTC
Re: [CALL MINATO] - [info]unabashednudity, 2009-03-21 04:19 am UTC
Re: [CALL MINATO] - [info]jizzedinmypants, 2009-03-21 04:50 am UTC
Re: [CALL MINATO] - [info]unabashednudity, 2009-03-23 11:59 pm UTC
Re: [CALL MINATO] - [info]jizzedinmypants, 2009-03-24 09:18 am UTC

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