16th-Apr-2008 10:03 am
LUCI: omgee
Hum hum. Well I've been sick lately. On again off again until this weekend when I had to be 'supervised' for my 102+ fever. Honestly, as much as I'm bemoaning it all now, it really was good I went to get checked out. The night before it probably had been even higher. Blegh.

Um so yeah. I have two weeks of school left then this summer starts. Summer should be really good for me as far as Valesco goes because I've taken a job here at school, sitting on the computer all day! So I should be around loads. Which is good since this will be Orpheus' last summer :( AND he's supposed to get MARRIED! Which Cor, I swear, we can do. Even if it's just a *hums the wedding song* - which it might end up being.

So Klio is just around. Orpheus is sulking about the wedding. Luci is working on Jamacia and how living with Lydia the past little bit is affecting her. Should be funnnn. And I'm actually thinking about picking some peoples up, since I've been looking at PBs and I'm like OMGAHH SO CUTE I WANT YOU NOW. ahem. Which happens way more often than you'd think actually.

Much love kiddies. Off to pretend like I'm paying attention in class....
16th-Apr-2008 04:42 pm
PBs are kinda like gotta catch'em all.
18th-Apr-2008 08:16 pm
i very much agreee
the more that come out, its like OH I WANT THAT ONE TOOOOOO
16th-Apr-2008 06:27 pm
oh no you caught the valesco virus too???! off to st. mungo's with you!
18th-Apr-2008 08:17 pm
yeah no kidding right? i actually think in my delirium i was convinced i did have it, and asked someone for muggle medicine. I'm sort of a loser like that xD
16th-Apr-2008 08:05 pm
omg it's going to be so awesome to have the Brieness back and in full swing :]]
17th-Apr-2008 12:15 pm
Lmao yes, they will get married. Eventually.
18th-Apr-2008 08:18 pm
its that eventuality that makes it all interesting XD
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