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Someone wrote in [info]tucfybsvra,
I'm training to be an engineer megalis 20 mg tablets For $199, both the GS4 and One will get you 1080p display (screen size varies from five inches to 4.7 inches, respectively), Snapdragon 600 CPU, 2GB of RAM and some version of Android 4.2 Jelly Bean. Where those two handsets differ is in memory allotment: the One comes with a non-expandable 32GB of internal storage, whereas the GS4 packs 16GB standard plus up to 64GB via microSD expansion. Or, for something a little less robust, you can go the Nexus 4 route and spend $299 outright. That'll get you considerably less storage, only 8GB, but a screen size similar to the Moto X, a Snapdragon S4 Pro processor, the same amount of RAM, as well as access to the absolute latest version of Jelly Bean (4.3). As an alternative to Android, there's always the 16GB iPhone 5 for the same on-contract pricing. What you gain in ease of use and ecosystem, however, you trade-off in size: the iPhone 5's Retina display is four inches -- a dwarf by today's standards.

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