[20 Apr 2008|10:41am] |
It is so unbelievably depressing this time of year. Rainy, grey skies -- No, not just grey skies. Is it just me or does this entire place look excessively grey? Could anywhere be nearly as dull? I miss blue skies and the warm sun, where has all of that gone off to? My guess is probably somewhere far more interesting than where I'm currently located. I do believe that is time for a vacation. Perhaps I might even miss home once I'm gone, though I wouldn't dare hold my breath on that. Quite honestly, I really don't care much where I go off to, as long as the sun shines bright and I don't need to dodge puddles wherever I go.
Pulling Malcolm away from his work would be unfair, and so I am opening an invitation for someone else to accompany me. I could surely use some fresh ideas, anyway. Malcolm is only ever interested in visiting all of the same places over and over again and it does get tiresome. It's more than high time for someplace new.