NAME: Tressa Aerilyn Cornick AGE/BIRTHDAY: 17 & March 17th, 1993 GRADE: Senior (12th) CLASS: Working Class Poor
FAMILY: MOTHER: Rebekka Anne Cornick (deceased) FATHER: Samuel Travers Cornick (deceased) TWIN BROTHERS: Charles (22) & Remy Cornick (22) She idolizes her brothers, they are the ones she looks up to and depends on with both her parents dead. SEXUALITY: Heterosexual ACTIVITIES: Marine Recruitment. Martial Arts (MMA\Capoeira)
APPEARANCE: Tressa is rather tall, at five foot eleven, she's a well toned young lady. Being involved, heavily, in martial arts, has kept her in tip-top shape. She has long black hair, with dark golden-brown eyes and slightly olive hued skin, giving hints of her Italian heritage. Her mother was from Italy, and her father was from Wales. She has a deceptive face, capable of being cold and distant or being full of life and emotion. She moves deceptively, as well, with a light grace that many boys in her MMA classes took for sensuality and underestimated her. She dresses comfortably, although she knows how to let her hair down. PLAYED BY: Leigh Lezark
LIKES:The mountains, the woods, fresh air, the full moon, meat, hunting, her home, the fresh lakes, streams, friends, the idea of medicine, her brothers, rain, sun, warmth, cold, running, languages.
DISLIKES: Being alone, being afraid, her brothers being hurt, some days her brothers, too much school work, not being challenged.
STRENGTHS: Cooking, Being strong, intelligence, fun loving, languages (she knows Italian, English and Welsh), MMA
WEAKNESSES: Aggressive, overly outgoing, moody, quick to anger when someone threatens her siblings name\them or when someone insults her parents. Overly focused on her future.
DETAILED PERSONALITY: She's inherently stubborn and tenacious, so even if something seems impossible she WILL try. She will attempt to survive it and excel. "Even if it kills me" is a phrase that can be heard from her lips when she's trying. When life hands her lemons, she makes lemonade then squeezes the juice into the wounds of her foes. She's vindictive and cruel sometimes, but she can also be as gentle as a kitten and kind as a benevolent spirit. Do not mistake her for being two faced, she's just got so many facets to her personality things never quite add up.
She has been called quite a few things over the years. She considers herself a heart-breaker, and oft times this is an apt description. She is much smarter than she puts on and even more intelligent than most people believe, she likes her secrets. She's got the splash of trouble-making ability that her brothers have, and really loves having fun. She knows, however, when it is time to settle down and put her nose to the grindstone.
She flirts easily, woos with just a flick of her eyelashes and causes dramatic rifts in relationships when she can get away with it. Though, she knows her limits. She knows where to draw the line in such an attack and she keeps her heart hidden under it all trying not to give it away to anyone. On the other end of things, she can't stand those people who lack common sense, hide in their ignorance, blame others for their own shortcomings and other such traits..
HISTORY: Born the third child of Rebekka and Samuel Cornick, Tressa has always been a rather grounded person. The younger sister of the rather incredulous boy (Remy) who would become a News Journalist that loves controversy, she was always the one not seeking attention. Her brother, Remy, always sought out attention. He wanted the limelight, even from birth. He'd cried more, screamed louder and pitched more fits. Charles, was quieter, thoughtful but just as determined to be in the limelight, and he's joined the world as a pro-fighter, UFC style. It's his fault she got into MMA from an early age.
As a very young child, growing up in a poor Chicago household was hardly different from other childrens' lives, save for a better sense of self-awareness and self-sufficiency so as to assure success. By the age of 11, Tressa had proven herself to be the most stubborn and hard-headed of her siblings. She and her siblings attended the same school. She loved language but found she hated her math and English classes. Remy excelled in English and Creative writing while she slacked off, a slacker even in elementary school. When Tress turned 12, both of her parents were killed in a car accident with a semi, leaving Remy and Charles to take care of her. Not that they minded - and they're still very much a close family.
Although Tressa's become super focused since then on her studies. She has a goal - to be in the Marines and be a military surgeon, eventually dreaming of being SWAT or Chicago PD. From before her parents died, they taught her both of their native languages, same with her siblings, and she's loved it - although she loves the sound of Welsh more so. Charles was into martial arts since he was a kidlet, and dragged Tressa to the gym with him to babysit her, and just before their parents died, she joined the MMA gym with her brother and started training. She loves the hard work, and the focus it gives her.
Over the years she's grown taller, and had more friends, although never let her take a firm stand on a topic, she wouldn't back off. Her brother Remy took an anti-Iraq stand once the war began and spoke openly against it, sparking off riots and protests. Which at home has sparked debates, too, since she's been accepted into the Marines pending graduation and turning 18 - but she finds herself agreeing with Remy. Life's too short to fight with her siblings and she hopes she can keep her desire to become a Marine in tact during her senior year, although if she fails that she can join Charles as a pro-fighter at the gym he's opened recently.
OOC Info PLAYER NAME: Trin. EMAIL: AIM/OTHER: trinitynikol. |