User: | traceur (39773) |
Name: | Conor MacEachthighearna |
Birthdate: | 04-19 |
Bio: | [Aaron Johnson is in no way associated with this journal. The thoughts contained within are not their own, nor are they meant to represent the actual thoughts, lifestyle, actions or image of this person. Their image is being used for the fictional representation of a character in the role-playing game Cresent City, from which no profit is being made. No harm, misrepresentation, libel, malice or copyright infringement is intended. The images used are not the property of the player and belong to the person depicted and/or their respective copyright holders.] |
Friends: |  | 51: | 867_5309, alittlevague, almost_famous, anastas, arioso, atotheb, babalon, cabotine, cantspell, ccimods, che_bel_viso, crescentcitynpc, drummerboy, formaldehyde, gimmeskittles, gregoire, hardluckwoman, howemuchtrouble, imperfectly, itsnotjessica, jake_frost, jimmy, jools, learntofly, littleredd, londonloves, meandmyuke, mightbeclever, molly_mormon, mustbecharming, mylollipop, news, nineofwands, petitechou, porcelinaofvast, redwritinghood, samtheman, sim, smella, soleada, studiesallnight, system, thatmachineboy, traceur, turnonthebright, voodoo_maman, walktheline, wantsthesky, whodoo, xanvanren, yevgeni |  | 2: | crescentcity, crescentcityooc |
Account type: | Early Free User |