May 8th, 2010
02:19 pm - screenshot
 Current Location: Current Mood: bored Current Music:
April 16th, 2010
09:47 pm - Scribbld servers are fickle, Tumblr feature added to Xpostulate I'm having difficulty posting to Scribbld with Xpostulate, for some reason, either via flatposting or xmlrpc. I'm inclined to believe that the fault is at the remote server end (ie. at Scribbled.net, not at my end), since I can post to LJ, IJ, DW, Inksome, etc. using those same methods with the same processes.
Oh...I also added posting to Tumblr.com today, uploaded new installers for win/lin, and source code.
April 12th, 2010
07:56 am - Rejoice! Xpostulate Install Wizard for Win/Lin Friends, Windows Users, Xpostulators, lend me thine ears...or eyes, or something. I come bearing great news! I have just uploaded an Xpostulate Windows Install Wizard! I have also uploaded a Linux Setup Wizard, although most gnu/linux users probably make to just fine with the install.sh script released with the source files. Oh yes, the source files are also still available for download, as well. I haven't tested the install wizard for Windows®, because I don't use Windows or have access to a Windows machine. Could someone give it a whirl and give me a holler? posted with Xpostulate Current Location: Current Mood: happy Current Music: none
April 11th, 2010
12:09 pm - Xpostulate: minor interface changes I have made some minor alterations to the Xpostulate graphical user interface, moving the posting options from buttons at the bottom of the interface, after the text area, to the top, in the area where other parameters are set. There is an entry for choosing which journal to publish to (ie. your or a community), and a menu item for choosing which site. The site list on the menu is split into those using xmlrpc and those still using the flat posting method. It's probably best to post to flat-posting sites, first, then to the xml sites, since posting via xmlrpc will convert "<" and "&" in the post (of course, there is a "convert tags" option in the "edit" menu that will change them back/forth". I also moved the tweeting/denting feature to the bottom of the interface, and rearranged the top area in which posting data/props/parameters are set, a bit, to make things look a bit neater.
 here's a screenshot
(recall, you can change the colors, of course...I just chose these because they look goog on the Xpostulate page and Lj and DW communities...)
Posted with Xpostulate Current Location: Current Mood: content Current Music: Grateful Dead
April 10th, 2010
12:22 pm - Xpostulate v0.2

Xpostulate v0.2 has been released, including support for wordpress, inksome and scribbld. Current Mood: happy Current Music: chico buarque
11:29 am - Various Xpostulate news Okay...
In the past 24 hours I have successfully implemented xmlrpc posting for LJ, IJ and DW, as already mentioned.
I have added posting to Scribbld.net and Inksome.com, as well, And, I have successfully posted to my WordPress.
It seems I will be posting a new zip shortly to the Xpostulate page with support for these features.
There' still plenty of work to be done, such as tweaking and configuring the interface, adding more features (especially support for blogger api), etc.
Nonetheless, I'm satisfied enough with what's been done so far, I'm finally going to take Xpostulate from v. 0.1 to v. 0.2 Big step!
I'll call it v1.0 when it has blogger support and can download prior entries for editing. I believe I've mentioned this, but I don't, at least at this juncture, foresee myself adding stuff like friend management, etc...but who knows...Maybe for version 2.0? Current Mood: content Current Music: birds