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April 10th, 2010

11:29 am - Various Xpostulate news

In the past 24 hours I have successfully implemented xmlrpc posting for LJ, IJ and DW, as already mentioned.

I have added posting to and, as well,
And, I have successfully posted to my WordPress.

It seems I will be posting a new zip shortly to the Xpostulate page with support for these features.

There' still plenty of work to be done, such as tweaking and configuring the interface, adding more features (especially support for blogger api), etc.

Nonetheless, I'm satisfied enough with what's been done so far, I'm finally going to take Xpostulate from v. 0.1 to v. 0.2
Big step!


I'll call it v1.0 when it has blogger support and can download prior entries for editing.
I believe I've mentioned this, but I don't, at least at this juncture, foresee myself adding stuff like friend management, etc...but who knows...Maybe for version 2.0?
Current Mood: content
Current Music: birds

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