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Insta- Rec
Title: Stay
Author: ?????
Prompt Number: 18
Rating: NC-17
Main Pairing: Sirius/Draco
Summary: War is coming, and Narcissa is scared for Draco. So she turns to the only person she can think of – Sirius Black.
Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction set in the Harry Potter universe – all recognisable characters and settings are the property of J. K. Rowling and her associates. No copyright infringement is intended. No profit is made from this work. Please observe your local laws with regards to the age-limit and content of this work
Warnings/Kinks: Dubious consent; may be considered underage (Draco is 16)
Word Count:</b> 23,589
Author's Notes: This fic takes place immediately following OotP. It’s AU in that Sirius didn’t die; otherwise, it’s compliant with OotP canon. Some lines are taken directly from HBP. Many thanks to my always-excellent beta, without whom I would be completely lost at sea.

I absolutely love this fic, so much so that I was late for work this morning. It's not even hard to see why. It's long, it's Sirius/Draco and it's pace is just right. The characterization for Sirius and Draco is faithful and believable as the story progresses and there are never WTF moments. There is a little Snape/Draco shut out that made me smile.

It's set right OotP and as the notes say it's AU since Sirius 'almost' dies, and doesn't go past that summer.

If I had to pick one thing I don't like with the fic, it's the Warning. I'm one of those who believe that this is consent or there isn't, and in this fic, there is. No matter what the situation is that drives Sirius and Draco, they both consent to what happened.

There seem to be lots of good fics at [info]hp_cross_fest. If I have time with work, there'll be more recs.
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Thursday on TV
- SPN: A Ben Edlund episode I liked. The end of the world must be near

- Fast Forward continues to be very interesting.

- I might just have to give up on Grey's or leave it for reruns because it's just meh. I wonder what the ratings will be after the record numbers for the premiere.
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There's a new picture of Tom Felton. The original is here, but [info]chinae asked for a lighter version, and I thought I'd share with all the Draco lovers on my flist.

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I haven't written on LJ for ages, but TV season has started, so I figured I might as well start writing again.

- Flash Forward is amazing. I loved the preview at Comic Con and the fact that they said they will give us answers in year 1 gives me hope that it's not going to turn into another Lost. I really don't have the patience for a 5 year mystery.

- Grey's Anatomy was just... meh. There were good parts, but I guess I stopped caring about this people a while back.

- The Fixer: this is an UK show that I just discovered and it has violence, sex, it's depressing and generally speaks of the worse in human society, which is pretty much why I love it so much.

- Sons of Anarchy: see the Fixer. No really, I love these shows. No fluffy crap anywhere in sight. It's perfect.

- Supernatural: I'm staying away from fandom because it's really the only way to enjoy the show, but now I want to go back because not really a spoiler but people get sensitive )
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I'm Back
- OMG, two cons are just too much for me. I like NY, hell I love NY too much to be away for so long. I came home and it's hot, muggy, humid and raining, and I'm telling my sister just how much I love it. San Francisco is way too cold for me, and San Diego is still too cold. I like my summers to be hot. More than that, I missed home with my caffe latte in the morning (and not that cheap, horrible Starbucks lattes), the pasta with fresh seafood at night. Really, I should never leave NY for more than a week at a time. I go in withdrawal.

- Azkatraz - I didn't register, which gave me plenty of time to see people. I won't mention everyone because I'd mention half my flist, but it was so awesome to see all them again. The downside of it was that the hotel sucked ass. I haven't had time to call the fire marshal yet for the negligent way they dealt when they fire alarm went off. If this is how the act in a real emergency, everyone on that floor would be dead.

- Comic Con - How much do I love this Con? There are no words for it. [info]sabershadowkat and I have this down to an art. We got there on Monday night. Tuesday, we went grocery shopping for the rest of the con, and then we went to Tijuana (it's just 6 stops away on the trolley). When the con started, we made food every day - lunch and dinner - so we could stay in the panels and not stress. We also had enough practice in getting passes and doing what we needed to do without losing our seats. I came home with about 30 free books, some signed, some not, and some from [info]sabershadowkat. Most of them are young adults and my kids will love them (and so will I). My nephews got an autographed book of GI Joe v. Cobra. Stephen was in love with it, and almost hugged me for it, before thinking better of it, because he's 15 and hugging isn't cool. There's a rumor that next year, preview night will be capped to 13,000. I don't know if it's true, but I've already registered, so no worries there.

- Infinitus - After this year experience, I've decided that there is no way that I can go to Infinitus. As much as I'll miss seeing everyone, there's no way that I can be in Florida from July 15 to the 18 and then in San Diego from the 21 to the 25.

- NYC Con? - Which brings me to the last point? I know we've talked about it a lot, but how many people would seriously be interested in coming to NYC the weekend of July 9-11? Depending on the numbers and interest, we might do something, it would be totally unofficial, a la Wincon, and probably numbered capped, because big hotels mean big money and registration, blah blah, and this wouldn't be an attempt to compete with HPEF, but just getting a lot of us together so we can have a good time.
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This has kept me up all night, and I know a show shouldn't keep me up, but it was driving me crazy. I kept reading reactions about episode 5, and the difference on how Jack's actions were received is amazing between the people with no children and the people with children.

Spoilery discussion about Jack )
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Torchwood 304
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- CNN really needs to stop sending me emails about Michael Jackson. No matter what they think, it's NOT vital news. I've got like 4 of them. Coffin is there, kids are there, people are crying. WTF, CNN, don't you have anything better to write about? I'm sure there are plenty of problems in this country and in the world that could use a good analysis.

- Torchwood is killing me. I'm so in love with all of the characters, even Gwen. It's really sick that I stop watching and start the countdown for tomorrow at 5 pm EST.
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OMG, I need a torrent. Now!!!

Refresh some more.
User: [info]titti
Name: titti
Back October 2009