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The Extemists [21 Feb 2011|07:56pm]
The Extremists

Heralding from a parallel universe (a slight variant upon the world of the original Extremists faced by the Justice League Europe) where the Earth was conquered by the super-villain known as Lord Havok and his team of super-villains, the Extremists, the new Extremists are carrying on the legacy of the first group. Their mission? To conquer our Earth.

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The Answer is Blowing in the Wind [28 Sep 2010|08:37pm]

“The Answer is Blowing in the Wind”

--this plot takes place sometime after “Winds of Change”


1)      The YJLA is working disaster relief to help prevent a hurricane in Florida.  This hurricane is highly unnatural and is, in fact, the result of Kobra using weather control satellites. 


2)      While the others work mostly at rescue efforts, building barriers, and the like, Traya heads into the eye of the hurricane to try and use her powers to break it up.


3)      A massive bolt of lightning from the accompanying storm strikes out at the exact moment Traya puts all her power into breaking the hurricane up.  The hurricane dissolves, but a seemingly dead--and very badly burned at any rate—Traya falls back to Earth.


4)      They take Tray back to HQ and go through the process of calling Reddy and Kathy, as well as their own mourning.


5)      Before anything else can happen, another distress call goes out for the YJLA to respond to: another hurricane, even stronger than the last one, is coming.  Worse, weather patterns are going crazy all across the globe.


6)      In the midst of battling this weather gone crazy, Traya reappears, seemingly none the worse for wear.  But she puts a stop to the storms, this time without dying.  She speaks of being able to actually feel the disruptions to the planet.  (The feedback from stopping the storms destroys the satellite).


7)      With Traya tracking the source of the disruptions, the YJLA track down and smash the Kobra cell that was controlling the satellite.


8)      Traya is revealed to be the Earth’s new air elemental, now much more sensitive to weather patterns and environmental conditions, as well as more powerful (possible cameo from someone mystic, like Victoria Craft).  What else this entails for her has yet to be seen…

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Winds of Change [23 Sep 2010|08:32pm]

“Winds of Change”


1)      The Smith household is attacked by robots built by T. O. Morrow.  Kathy Sutton is badly injured, Reddy is badly damaged, and Traya is taken prisoner.  By the time the YJLA is able to arrive on the scene, it’s already too late and the heroes are pretty much left without a clue.


2)      Not long after, Maxine Hunkle (Bronson?) is also attacked.  This time, the heroes are ready and respond in time.


3)      Putting two and two together between the two different attacks (and the nature of the robots themselves), the heroes deduce that Morrow is behind them.


4)      Morrow, meanwhile, is attempting to experiment upon Traya (and would have on Maxine as well) in order to create a new Air Elemental that he can control.


5)      Morrow continues his experimentation as the YJLA arrive to rescue Traya and battle his robots.  But the experimentation awakens an aspect of the Tornado Tyrant that had bonded with Traya, causing her to become, in effect, the new Tornado Tyrant, who attacks both Morrow and the YJLA.


6)      With fighting going poorly for the team, they use Cindy to talk Traya down and return her to relative normal.  (normal for Traya, anyway)  Traya also opts to take up the codename Tornado Champion at this point, over Whirlwind.


7)      Unbeknownst to anyone, however, all of this does kick off the process of Traya slowly becoming the  new Air Elemental for Earth… the consequences of which will someday be seen…

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