Saturday, January 19th, 2008


Intriguing thing I came up with while researching costumes for WW*:

The Operative and Book have a very similar costume theme, at least series!Book and movieopening!Operative. Compare this picture with this picture. They both wear a grey top: with the Operative, this appears to be some sort of jacket, with a collar that, while never closed, could echo Book's clerical-esque collar on his grey shirt. The Operative wears a black shirt beneath the jacket, while Book occasionally wears a black jacket. Both men have dark-colored trousers, both have similar color schemes. Coincidence?

*I know this shows signs of hopeless geekitude, but I did come up with some rather interesting factoids. Frex, Murphy has a lace-up leather vest and leather bracers that she always wears out in the field, since both are enchanted with the same spell that Harry's duster has in normal Dresdenverse to ward off cuts and magical blows. She also usually wears her hair in a crown braid, which means both it's at least shoulder-length and that Alex and Harry must've gotten good at braiding (presumably Nina Grey taught one or both of them). I'm working on standard uniforms, Jen, and Gabrielle now.**

**If you're as geeky as me and would like a costume design for a character, drop me a word and I'll see what I can do. Odds are you'll get a wordy description rather than a sketch, because my artistic skillz are nil.
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Tuesday, January 1st, 2008

Year-in-Fic meme for 2007

WARNING: HERE THAR BE SPOILERS for everything under the sun that I write about. Seriously.

Fics )

Q & A )
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Monday, December 31st, 2007

more rescued things

Jennifer Tarleton )

A Digression! )

Karrin Murphy )

Hold the Pig's Blood; or; Why One Does Not Cross Margaret Dresden )

Mike Crichton spite for my amusement )

Best. Segues. Ever. )

White Wars fanfiction.
Gambles )

Shipperly justification )

More WW fanfiction.
Surprises )

And random funnies:
Is it bad when my very first thought upon seeing this is "Dammit, Harry, not again!"
Or does that just mean I'm hallucinating?


This is very, very bad.
The following collection of names appeared in a fanfic I was reading; Paul, Christopher, Thomas, David, Jonathan, William, Patrick, Peter, Colin, and Sylvester. And I knew what the correlation was.* Right off the bat.
This is bad on so many levels.

*For the curious, those are the first names of the actors for, in order, Doctors Eight, Nine, Four, Ten, Three, One, Two, Five, Six, and Seven.

Oi, Pris, I had a weird dream. It was a kind of fixit sequel to Cold Comfort, where it turned out Murph got resurrected by something or other (I think the dream blamed faeries) and then Lasciel mysteriously disappeared, Murph started channeling the Eighth Doctor's Jesus imagery and then fell asleep on Harry's doorstep where he tripped over her the next morning. Yeah, you explain it. It's your fault anyway.
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