Tuesday, June 29th, 2010

Ship meme yay!

First fill this out:

1) Kira/Odo (I'm into DS9 right now, what can I say)
2) Adama/Roslin
3) Harry/Murphy
4) Aral/Cordelia
5) Ian/Barbara
6) Sam/Sybil

7) Doctor/Rose
8) Mal/Inara
9) Cal/Gillian (Lie to Me)

10) The Middleman/Wendy
11) River/Jayne
12) Eleven/Anyone

13) River/Amy
14) Ryan/Esposito

Then answer the questions. )
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Sunday, August 2nd, 2009


Post one or more sentences from each of your WIP's because if you do you might be magically inspired to finish them.

Hoo boy. )

There turned out to be so many that I ended up splitting them into fanfiction and original fiction. )

11 and 17 may actually end up being the same story. I'm still percolating that one.

Also, if you can guess the fandom for the fanfics, I will... I don't know, do something nice for you. Maybe write you a drabble. Be careful: some of the obvious ones are less obvious than they look. :D

Anyway, which ones intrigue? Any of them look like I'm wasting my time?
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Wednesday, December 31st, 2008

Year-in-Fic meme 2008

WARNING: HERE THAR BE SPOILERS for everything under the sun that I write about. Seriously.

Fic )

Fanmixes )

Q&A )
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Tuesday, March 4th, 2008

Desperate Measures

Title: Desperate Measures (4/4)
Fandom: Dresden Files
Spoilers: Up to White Night. Also set in my Dresdlet-verse and follows Persistent Illusion.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Desperate times call for desperate measures. Margaret Dresden has been dead for two years, and now she's coming home. Beta'd with loving mild insanity by Pris.
Notes: It's done! And this bit is way less angsty than the last three, I promise.

Desperate Measures )
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Wednesday, February 27th, 2008

Desperate Measures (3/4)

Title: Desperate Measures (3/4)
Fandom: Dresden Files
Spoilers: Up to White Night. Also set in my Dresdlet-verse and follows Persistent Illusion.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Desperate times call for desperate measures. Margaret Dresden has been dead for two years, and now she's coming home. Beta'd with loving mild insanity by Pris.

Chapter Three )
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Wednesday, February 20th, 2008

Fic: Desperate Measures, 2/4

Title: Desperate Measures (2/4)
Fandom: Dresden Files
Spoilers: Up to White Night. Also set in my Dresdlet-verse and follows Persistent Illusion.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Desperate times call for desperate measures. Margaret Dresden has been dead for two years, and now she's coming home. Beta'd with loving mild insanity by Pris.

Chapter Two )
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Wednesday, February 13th, 2008

Fic: Desperate Measures

Title: Desperate Measures (1/4)
Fandom: Dresden Files
Spoilers: Up to White Night. Also set in my Dresdlet-verse and follows Persistent Illusion.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Desperate times call for desperate measures. Margaret Dresden has been dead for two years, and now she's coming home.
Notes: This chapter cowritten by Puck. All of it beta'd with loving mild insanity by Pris.

Desperate Measures )
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Sunday, January 20th, 2008

50 Sentences on Margaret Anne Dresden

Aka, Maggie the Younger.

01. Walk
Maggie used to walk with her parents in the twilight, until she got old enough to realize that they’d rather be by themselves; then she walked with Julia, sometimes Arthur, or even later than that, with Simon.
Now she walks alone.

02. Beauty
Julia is the beauty in the family, with golden hair and sapphire eyes and a bright ringing laugh; Maggie is her darker shadow, in temperament as well as looks.

03. Catch
Everyone else has someone, her parents, her sister, her friends, even her mentor; but who will catch her when she stumbles?
Follow the cut for the rest. )
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Friday, January 11th, 2008

Fic: Beyond Words

Title: Beyond Words
Fandom: Dresden Files
Spoilers: Dead Beat
Rating: PG
Summary: "In my children, I have lost my mind but found my soul." --Lisa T. Shephard. Written for 100moods, Harry/Murphy, prompt 1, Accomplished.
Edit Note: A gentleman by the name of simple__man did a 1sentence prompt for Harry/Murphy that I seem to have lifted a throwaway line from, so here is due credit. If you wish to read his set, it is here: http://community.livejournal.com/1sentence/333368.html

Beyond Words )
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Thursday, January 10th, 2008

Fic: Precious Moments

Title: Precious Moments
Fandom: Dresden Files
Spoilers: Blood Rites
Rating: PG
Summary: Murphy, parenthood, and holidays. Joy. Dresdlet-verse.

Holidays with her children are an effort. )
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Tuesday, January 1st, 2008

Year-in-Fic meme for 2007

WARNING: HERE THAR BE SPOILERS for everything under the sun that I write about. Seriously.

Fics )

Q & A )
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Monday, December 31st, 2007

advent drabbles--it will never never stop

Trouble )

Various Levels of Doom )

Earth, 2156 )

If There’s Going to be Any Hysterics, They’ll Come From Me! )

Captains Cubed )

Tremors )

Beads )

Clothes )

Guilty Pleasures )

A Little More Sonic )
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More Fic

Favors )

Test of Valor )

Heresies Verse Two )

chatroom funny )

more character rantage )
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more rescued things

Jennifer Tarleton )

A Digression! )

Karrin Murphy )

Hold the Pig's Blood; or; Why One Does Not Cross Margaret Dresden )

Mike Crichton spite for my amusement )

Best. Segues. Ever. )

White Wars fanfiction.
Gambles )

Shipperly justification )

More WW fanfiction.
Surprises )

And random funnies:
Is it bad when my very first thought upon seeing this is "Dammit, Harry, not again!"
Or does that just mean I'm hallucinating?


This is very, very bad.
The following collection of names appeared in a fanfic I was reading; Paul, Christopher, Thomas, David, Jonathan, William, Patrick, Peter, Colin, and Sylvester. And I knew what the correlation was.* Right off the bat.
This is bad on so many levels.

*For the curious, those are the first names of the actors for, in order, Doctors Eight, Nine, Four, Ten, Three, One, Two, Five, Six, and Seven.

Oi, Pris, I had a weird dream. It was a kind of fixit sequel to Cold Comfort, where it turned out Murph got resurrected by something or other (I think the dream blamed faeries) and then Lasciel mysteriously disappeared, Murph started channeling the Eighth Doctor's Jesus imagery and then fell asleep on Harry's doorstep where he tripped over her the next morning. Yeah, you explain it. It's your fault anyway.
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