Friday, January 8th, 2010

Year in Fic: 2009

Eight days late, but whatever, it's mostly for my benefit anyway.

Fannish Stuff What I Made in 2009

Fic )

Fanmixes )

Q&A )
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Fic recs!

The holiday ficcing season is over, and I would like to recommend the various fics I recieved for Christmas presents. I'll just go ahead and do them by fandom, I suppose.

Vorkosigan books
The Rules of Barrayaran Sex, Cordelia/Aral
Oh my god you guys this fic is made of SO MUCH AWESOME, particuarly if you, like me, tend to ship the old-married-couple ships. I asked for Cordelia and Aral being happily married, and my beautiful, amazing, wonderful gift-writer wrote me this... this marvelous work of art. It is full of tiny little touches of joy (Miles' first word being "Dammit", for example, or the entire thing about the socks), and it's SO in-character; it totally feels like scenes exerpted from the books. I just. I cannot. It is so full of joy, you guys. Read it immediately if you have read the Miles Vorkosigan books. If you have not read the Miles Vorkosigan books, read those immediately and THEN read this.

A Safe Bet, also Cordelia/Aral
This is a tag for Memory that I count as mine as well, because it was a deleted scene from Rules originally. It strikes all the same notes as Rules, with some additional emotional notes that don't quite match up. Anyway, it's just as utterly amazing if slightly less funny, and you should go and read it too.

Codex Alera
These aren't fic, but you should go look at them anyway, because they're awesome icons.

Tamora Pierce: Tortall
A Midwinter's Tale. Alanna/George, filled with cuteness and fluff.

Christmas on Serenity, genfic set post-Serenity but in denial!verse, which is my personal favorite anyway so. An adorable little slice-of-life family!fic. Has Wash and Zoe, River being River, and Mal getting insulted.

Christmas Traditions. Genfic, a Castle family Christmas. Includes an awesome nod to the WriteRCastle feed that made me lol.

Stargate SG-1/X-files Crossover
Part one here, part two here. Inspired by the fact that Don S. Davis plays both General Hammond and Scully's dad, written for me by my homie eponymous_rose, made of awesome. Involves Jack being a prankster, jokes about Daniel's approach to aliens, Teal'c having more lines than "indeed," Sam being the responsible adult and slight Mulder/Scully shippiness.

Posts of all the fic I wrote soon to follow.
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Saturday, January 10th, 2009

Fic: Sibling Rivalry

Title: Sibling Rivalry
Fandom: Torchwood/Sarah Jane Adventures
Spoilers: Minor ones for SJA season 1 and Torchwood season 2
Rating: PG
Summary: What happens when jurisdictions overlap. Disregards TSE and Journey's End for teh lulz. Written for doyle_sb4, in the fandom_stocking exchange.

Because a pissing contest is much more important. )
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Wednesday, January 7th, 2009

Without Absolute Evidence (1/?)

Anderyn on fandom_stocking gave me the excuse I needed to write this. All silliness can be blamed on me. Unexpected Plot should be blamed on my darling beta, Priscillie. Awesome should be directed to Anderyn. Thanks muchly!

Title: Without Absolute Evidence (1/?)
Fandom: Doctor Who/Vorkosiverse
Spoilers: Through The Doctor Dances, for the Whoniverse, and through Barrayar for the Vorkosiverse. Fairly big spoilers for Barrayar, actually.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: "That is part of the pleasure of friendship: trusting without absolute evidence and then being rewarded for that trust." --David Shore
Part One: in which Jack Harkness gets arrested and meets an old friend.

Remind me how we got into this. )
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Wednesday, December 31st, 2008

Year-in-Fic meme 2008

WARNING: HERE THAR BE SPOILERS for everything under the sun that I write about. Seriously.

Fic )

Fanmixes )

Q&A )
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Monday, April 14th, 2008

Fanfic therapy.

So, after I got my intarwebs back, I wrote a lot of fanfiction for the Fandom Secrets meme. This usually helps my mood. It certainly did now; I have at least two new ships.
Fics are mostly drabbles or double-drabbles. I've stuck the title on first, then the prompt, then the fic itself.
EDIT: Added two more!

Fics below the cut. Guess my new ships! )
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Thursday, March 20th, 2008

I have absolutely no intention of explaining this.

Title: Doctor Air
Fandom: Doctor Who/Avatar the Last Airbender
Spoilers: None, really. I suppose technically The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances, but not really.
Rating: PG
Summary: Doctor Who as it would have aired in the Avatar Universe. As I said, I have absolutely no intention of explaining how I came to write this.

Script Format Ahead )
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Monday, March 10th, 2008

Snagged from awanderingbard

When you see this, post a little weensy excerpt from as many random works-in-progress as you can find lying around. Who knows? Maybe inspiration will burst forth and do something, um, inspiration-y.

Here' lot of stories. A lot a lot. Guess the fandom. Also, let me know if any of these intrigue. Some of them are perilously close to being abandoned.
I really need to get some of these finished. )
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Wednesday, February 13th, 2008

Fic: If There's Going to be Any Hysterics...

Title: If There's Going to be Any Hysterics... (ch. 2)
Fandom: Dresden Files (TV)/The Mummy
Spoilers: Spoils the film The Mummy and probably What About Bob? and Soul Beneficiary.
Rating: PG
Summary: Jonathan informs his sister of the Council's latest... assignment. Follows If There's Going to be Any Hysterics, They'll Come From Me!
Notes: So apparently Hysterics lied when it told me it was finished. Tsk. Warning: crack.

Evy! )
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Tuesday, January 1st, 2008

Year-in-Fic meme for 2007

WARNING: HERE THAR BE SPOILERS for everything under the sun that I write about. Seriously.

Fics )

Q & A )
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Monday, December 31st, 2007

o hay look no more fic

Up To Something )

Curse Your Sudden but Inevitable Betrayal! )

Not a Robot; coauthored by Puck )

Trading Headaches: Part 2 )
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more advent drabbles

Sneaky )

Crossbow )

Peace )

Fried )
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advent drabbles--it will never never stop

Trouble )

Various Levels of Doom )

Earth, 2156 )

If There’s Going to be Any Hysterics, They’ll Come From Me! )

Captains Cubed )

Tremors )

Beads )

Clothes )

Guilty Pleasures )

A Little More Sonic )
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more fic will it never stop

Passion )

Always )

1) Choose your favorite five stories that you've written and tell why they're your favorites. Not necessarily what you think is your *best* work, but your favorite stories.

Here are mine. )

It Is, On Occasion, Hilarious )

Dresden Files Comic Book Preview Art.
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Gift fics and pimpage

I'm starting to think I write too much.

Homage, for gypsy )

Four Lies and a Truth, for Pris )

Trees and Malcolm Reynolds, for Megan, who never said thank you, tsk )

Fear Her, for The Boy )

In Which Wash Is Up Much Too Late, for Liz )

Care and Attention, for Kristina )

Nick/Danny drabble for Gypsy )

Trading Headaches, for Puck )

What Love Is, for El )

And some pimpage.
Doctors, Doctor's Girls and Doctor's Boys, by Mimi~na.
David Tennant and Kittens.
Harry Dresden meets the Doctor.
A Christmas ficlet for me, from Liz; Zoe/Wash.
Amusing poem.
A two-sentence ficlet from Gypsy.
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Perspectives )

X-files Mulder and Scully UST
My Squire and My Lady )

An amusing incident:
Incident )

Slight AU Dresden Files pastfic.
Fellow Feeling )
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