Wednesday, November 4th, 2009

Fic: Never Saw It Coming

Title: Never Saw It Coming
Spoilers: Through Cursor's Fury, though nothing explicit.
Summary: "If you don't shut up," Tavi said, conversationally, "I will find something new and entertaining to do with a furylamp, and I guarantee you won't like it at all."
Fandom: Codex Alera
Rating: PG-13 for some mentions of sex.
Disclaimer: All characters belong to Jim Butcher.
Notes: Written for beckyh2112 in the alera_ficathon. Her prompt was " Maximus, Kitai, and Tavi. Something light-hearted, set during Tavi's Legion officer days after "Cursor's Fury" but before "Captain's Fury"." I trust this works.

Also, the number of times I wrote "earthbending" when I meant "earthcrafting" is truly ridiculous. This is your fault, Bex.

Beta'd by the ever-wonderful priscellie.

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Tuesday, December 2nd, 2008

Advent #2: The Policewoman

Prompt: Cutting through the Nevernever is not always a good idea, as Harry finds when he meets Clara Godwin. Prompt from Puck last year that I never got around to.
Title: The Policewoman
Fandom: The Dresden Files/Tortall
Spoilers: None.
Characters: Harry, Clary Godwin.
Rating: G

She looked exactly like Murphy. Well, as much as a tall, stonefaced brunette can look exactly like a tiny cute blonde, but you know what I mean.

Besides, it was the expression that really did it. The “I know you’ve done something and I’ll make you suffer if you don’t tell me of your own free will” expression. That, and the cop stance, the wide-legged, “do you feel lucky punk” stance. You know what I’m talking about.

The crossbow pointed at my nose was, admittedly, new.

But she really looked exactly like Murphy.

Which meant that I was so screwed.
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Advent #1: The Doctor's Angels

Title: The Doctor's Angels
Fandom: Doctor Who
Spoilers: None to speak of.
Characters: The Brig, Sergeant Benton, and by mention the Doctor, Liz, Jo and Sarah Jane.
Rating: G

"The Doctor's angels," the Brigadier remarked, watching through the window as the Doctor tried to hug all three of them simultaneously, with a remarkable amount of success.

Benton, beside him, blinked, and stared, and tried not to comment.

After a moment of this, the Brigadier asked in an irritated tone, "What? You haven't seen Charlie's Angels?"

"I've seen Charlie's Angels," Benton replied, and searched for a diplomatic way of putting it. Finding none, he continued, "I'm just trying to wrap my head around the notion of you having seen Charlie's Angels. Sir."

The Brigadier harrumphed, and proceeded to ignore him.
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Advent Drabbles!

I totally forgot about these, so let me begin them now.

Adventfics are precisely what they sound like, a sort of advent calendar of drabbles. Every day in December up to Christmas Day, I will write and post a drabble on my journal.
Where you come in is this. I can't write these drabbles all by me onesies, savvy? I need prompts! Drop me a prompt on the drabblepost of the day, and if one strikes my fancy I'll write it. I can't promise that it will be yours, but one will be written. Here's the thing, though. If there's a particular prompt you have your heart set on seeing, keep posting it. Don't assume that because it's on one post, I'll see it and write it. The more you suggest one, the more likely it is that I'll write it.
So drop me suggestions for the next drabble in the comment boxes!

List of fandoms behind the cut! )
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Wednesday, November 12th, 2008

Fic: Lost in Translation

Title: Lost in Translation
Author: TigerKat24
Recipient: draickinphoenix
Assignment: Harry/Murphy...what happens after the end of the last episode?
Word Count: 2494
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Bob is informative, Murphy is incorporeal and Harry is confused.
Notes: Very sorry for the lateness! Enjoy.

This was most definitely not what he meant. )
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Thursday, June 12th, 2008

Fanmix: Shiptease!

Medium: TV
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Subject: Ships
Title: Shiptease!
Notes: We all know that Mike and Bryan like to taunt the shippers. Here’s a song for every couple ever given some sort of onscreen encouragement.
That’s right. Every. Couple. And a few extras.
We’re in for a long haul, folks.

Warnings: SPOILERS up to Boiling Rock. Silliness. No explication because it’s just too damn long, though there are explanatory notes when I feel that they’re needed. Picture, tracklist and zip behind the cut.

Shiptease! )
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Sunday, April 27th, 2008

[info]100moods: Dresden Files, Harry/Murphy.

001.Accomplished: Beyond Words 002.Amused 003.Angry: Passion 004.Annoyed: Snow 005.Anxious
006.Apathetic 007.Aroused: Interrupt 008.Awake 009.Blank 010.Bored
011.Bouncy 012.Broken: Collapse 013.Calm 014.Cheerful 015.Chipper
016.Cold 017.Confused: Lost in Translation 018.Content: Asking for Trouble 019.Cranky: Day One 020.Crazy
021.Creative: Overtime 022.Crushed 023.Curious 024.Cynical 025.Depressed: Distance
026.Determined: Consequences 027.Devious 028.Disappointed 029.Ditzy 030.Drained
031.Ecstatic 032.Embarrassed: Little Secrets 033.Enamored 034.Energetic 035.Enraged: A Modest Proposal
036.Enthralled 037.Envious 038.Excited 039.Exhausted: Precious Moments 040.Flirty: Reunions
041.Frustrated 042.Giddy: Narrow Squeak 043.Giggly: Undignified 044.Gloomy 045.Good
046.Grieving: Persistent Illusion 047.Grumpy 048.Guilty: Nightmares 049.Happy 050.Hopeful
051.Impressed 052.Indescribable 053.Indifferent 054.Intimidated 055.Jealous
056.Kinky: Chivalradar 057.Lazy 058.Lethargic 059.Listless 060.Lonely
061.Loved 062.Melancholy: Waiting 063.Mischievous 064.Moody 065.Morose
066.Naughty 067.Nervous: Tick 068.Nostalgic: A Picture's Worth 069.Numb: Regard 070.Optimistic: Celestial
071.Peaceful 072.Pensive 073.Pessimistic 074.Playful 075.Pleased
076.Predatory 077.Productive: Productive Day 078.Refreshed 079.Rejected: Dreaming 080.Relaxed
081.Relieved: Connection 082.Romantic 083.Restless 084.Sad 085.Satisfied
086.Sinful 087.Scared 088.Shocked 089.Sick 090.Silly
091.Stressed 092.Surprised 093.Sympathetic 094.Thankful 095.Thoughtful
096.Touched 097.Uncomfortable 098.Vulnerable: Fragile Things 099.Weird 100.Worried
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Monday, April 14th, 2008

Fanfic therapy.

So, after I got my intarwebs back, I wrote a lot of fanfiction for the Fandom Secrets meme. This usually helps my mood. It certainly did now; I have at least two new ships.
Fics are mostly drabbles or double-drabbles. I've stuck the title on first, then the prompt, then the fic itself.
EDIT: Added two more!

Fics below the cut. Guess my new ships! )
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