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a mite whimsical in the brainpan ([info]tigerkat24) wrote,
@ 2009-03-21 15:01:00

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Entry tags:battlestar galactica

BSG Finale


Man, that tore me apart in such a good way. Oh, man. Oh, man. *sobs some more*

WAAAAAAAH BILL AND LAURA. Such a perfect ending for them, though. I honestly don't think it could have been better. It was just... it was perfect. It was. Perfect. Oh man.

So many props for Edward James Olmos and Mary McDonnell, incidentally. So man. That was one of the most affecting scenes I have ever seen at the end. I cried. A lot.

YAY AGATHONS. The Fighting Agathons still together and made of win! No one will ever take 'em down. \m/

Mark Shepperd is a President now, too, though I suppose it doesn't count since it's really the same role.

Baltar gets points for growing the fuck up. Six gets more points for being made of sheer awesome. Head!Baltar and Head!Six get points for being awesomely smug and Dogma-esque. Basically, points all 'round.

Great ending for the episode, too, with the flashbacks and the WAAAAAH and the wow and the YAY and the sniffly goodnesss and the "WAKE THE FUCK UP" implications at the end. Just, wow.

I did have some problems with it. Like WTF was up with Kara? And RDM, could you get any more awkward than that kid Shawn? Seriously? SERIOUSLY? I do not approve. I also could've done without Bill throwing up all over himself, though that was more a visceral ew factor than anything else.

But you know what?

BILL AND LAURA WAH. And the Fighting Agathons. And Boomer! And Mark Shepperd. This was right. Well done, RDM. Well done.

Oh man. I'm still crying. *sniffle*

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2009-03-29 03:44 pm UTC (link)
HOMG your icon...cross fandom like woah. that's happy.

but yes, i agree. i was happy they did what they did with the characters for the most part, but then all the flashing & bahhh so much, too much!

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2009-03-30 12:51 pm UTC (link)
I love all my crossover icons, they make me so happy. :D Like this one!

ARGH YES. I rewatched it and I was just going, "...END ALREADY" at the flashforward. I mean, I get wanting more Tricia Helfer on screen, since she's insanely pretty, but gah. Besides, they had a perfectly good ending with Adama's speech at the end. Why'd they have to go and wreck it?

And ARGH LEE. *stab*

But the rest of it was amazing. I maintain that Adama and Roslin's relationship and respective storylines were the best-done part of a really excellent show.

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2009-03-30 01:12 pm UTC (link)
agathons ftw

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