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a mite whimsical in the brainpan ([info]tigerkat24) wrote,
@ 2008-07-05 23:06:00

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Entry tags:doctor who, xtreme geekery

Journey's End Reaction Post
Wow. Just... wow. Rusty is forgiven LoTTL.

In order of various levels of fangirling!

Sarah Jane! She got her badass back! I heartily approve. Needed moar Luke (I should have liked him to help save the world; he's quite good at that) but what little there was of him was excellent. Also, "It's a long story." I'll bet. Needed moar Sarah Jane/Jack, too, but I approve of what was there.

WAAAAAH DONNA. Oh, Donna. You will be so missed, dear heart. Don't worry, though, Torchwood and UNIT and Sarah Jane, they've got your back. Oh, darling. At least you went out with a hell of a bang.

Is it just me or are Martha and Mickey working for Torchwood now?

About the second Ten: Rusty nicked that idea off honorh's Seed Pearls. Trufax.

DoctorDonna was win. In so many ways and on so many levels.

Cheer up, emo Doctor! Go get an explanation for that brown-haired, very clever, socially inept, suspiciously-resembling-you boy before Sarah Jane decides to fuck with your head a bit.

Oh wow. Rusty is so forgiven. Wow.

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2008-07-06 08:58 pm UTC (link)
Mmm, true. And it's always easier to put in a character we already have some love for. Butbutbut I like Martha working for UNIT. *disgruntled*
Oh well. At least we get the Brig in SJA!

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