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a mite whimsical in the brainpan ([info]tigerkat24) wrote,
@ 2008-05-15 19:40:00

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Current mood:bored
Entry tags:meme sheep says 'baa'

Meme! (of doom!)
Comment here, and I shall...

a) Tell you why I friended you.
b) Associate you with something - fandom, a song, a color, a photo, etc
c) Tell you something I like about you.
d) Tell you a memory I have of you.
e) Ask something I've always wanted to know about you.
f) Tell you my favorite user pic of yours.
g) In return, you must post this in your LJ. (If you want. I won't hold you to it.)

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2008-05-17 06:12 am UTC (link)
a) I.... actually do not remember why I friended you. It was a very, very long time ago. I think because I knew you through the Boy and GAFF, and you seemed like an awesome person.
b) Most recently, Avatar. Also Finn.
c) You're so clever and quick, and you're always willing to listen to me when I need to bitch. Also, we're the same person.
d) There are so many. But my favorite has to be "Were you listening, Neo? Or were you looking at the strange little man in the red dress?"
e) What attracts you to a fandom? I'm talking about the source material. Is there one common theme, or do you tend to just go case-by-case?

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2008-05-17 01:34 pm UTC (link)
Given my onreyness, it really does tend to be a case by case thing. I do tend to gravitate to shows with fighting of some sort - yet I love Ouran and can't stand DBZ. So.

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