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a mite whimsical in the brainpan ([info]tigerkat24) wrote,
@ 2008-03-22 21:01:00

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Current music:She Hates Me--Puddle of Mudd
Entry tags:giftfic, shenanigans

This is a rant. You've been warned.

So recently I've been seeing increasing amounts of "why the hell don't people review my stuff" on F!S, among my circle of friends, on fanficrants, etc. People seem to be getting fewer reviews and they seem to be pissed. This is natural, and it's been said, so I'm going to concentrate on something that hasn't as far as I know been addressed.
Gift fics.
Would it fucking kill you to tell me you read what I wrote specifically for you?
I mean, seriously. I write giftfics all the time, and most of the time people are good about at least telling me that they enjoyed it, or were happy that I wrote it, or enjoyed that one joke about the roosters, the potatoes, the Fifth Doctor and Harry Dresden. I love this kind of feedback, but I can do without it. All I really want is an acknowledgment that you read it.
Yes, this is becoming a minor problem. Some of the giftfics I wrote recently? I got all sorts of feedback from my friends, and even from my beta, who really doesn't have to review these things since she sees them first. But the people I wrote them for? Nothing. Zip. Nada. It makes me feel really inclined to not write giftfics again, I tell you.
Are they trying to tell me the fics suck? That they don't like them? That's okay. At least let me know that you read the damned thing. It's like sending a package to someone and never hearing back if they recieved it.
I know I'm late with these fics. But I don't have to do them, that's the kicker. I write these things for you because I like you. Don't reject them like this. It makes me feel like you don't like me, and I really, really hate feeling like that.
Jesus. Common courtesy.

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from Priscilla
2008-03-23 05:05 pm UTC (link)
That is so freaking asshatted. It takes TWO MINUTES to leave a review. Behold the failboat! Population: them.

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Re: from Priscilla
2008-03-24 01:16 am UTC (link)
I know. It's like, well, gee, thanks for making me feel like you appreciate me. NOT. And the worst bit is, the worst offenders never read this blog and I don't think I have the courage to bring this up to their face. And at least one of them demands reviews on her stuff. Ha. Yeah, not really. The only reason I reviewed at all is 'cause of her co-author who does not deserve shunning. *sigh*
I'll just sit back and think "WWJAD?", because otherwise I think I'd stab people.

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Re: from Priscilla
2008-03-24 01:24 pm UTC (link)
You could do something delightfully passive-aggressive at them! Like in your next review of their stuff, you could say "Hey, have you gotten the chance to read the fic I wrote for you? I haven't heard from you yet!" Perhaps that will incite the necessary guilt, and make them realize "Hey, neglecting friends that do really awesome things for me is a really horrible thing to do, and I don't want to be that kind of person. I will fill the world with puppies and kittens and reviews up the wazoos!"

Or stabbing works.

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